
World giant Louis Vuitton award to VeChain

Singapore-based VeChain received the second prize among more than 800 nominees at the innovation awards of the world’s largest luxury consumer goods manufacturer, Louis Vuitton (LVMH). At the Viva Technology event, a prestigious startup conference held in Turkey, 30 candidates were selected from among 800 candidates. Among these 30 candidates was VeChain as the only Blockchain company.

VeChain is a Blockchain ecosystem for shared information traceability for companies and consumers to verify product authenticity. So it’s a topic close to the heart of the world’s largest luxury company.

An impressive jury evaluated the nominees, including Slack founder Stewart Butterfield, artist and investor Nas, and Alibaba CEO Daniel Zhang.

The news came in a great May for VeChain, which has signed some impressive partnership deals in the past weeks. Announcing that it has established a partnership with PwC, one of the world’s largest auditing companies, at the beginning of this month, VeChain announced that it has agreed with BrightFoods, the second largest food company in China, after a while.


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