
Why Are Bitcoin Values ​​Declining?

The world’s fastest rising crypto money Bitcoin’s values are decreasing day by day. But what is the reason for this? It would not be wrong to say that coin systems occupy the agenda very seriously in the field of economy around the world.. Bitcoin is currently trading at $8700.

In fact, its highest record was $20,000.. However, over time, its value has decreased drastically.. There is still a gradual decrease in value.. However, many investors do not understand this.. Why did Bitcoin values ​​start to fluctuate so much?

Legal Blocking Decisions Taken by the State

A significant part of the countries, together with their official decisions Blocked the Bitcoin system in a short time. Although some big brands have made payment agreements with this system, a danger has begun to be foreseen for the national economies.. It would not be wrong to say that there was a serious decrease in its material value, especially after the measures taken by Japan.

Negative Statements from Higher Authorities

Today, a very important part of economists makes negative comments regarding the Bitcoin currency. These negative comments also change the approach of countries towards their currency.. Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice President of the European Union (EU) Commission, made a statement in this sense.. Explained that the Bitcoin system is risky and not a real currency. The most important economists of the world have made almost similar comments.

Bitcoin Infrastructure Problems

Roger Ver, one of the founders of the Bitcoin system and the creator of the Bitcoin Cash system, set himself on his feet. had bored. He touched upon the infrastructure problems of the monetary system in a program he participated in on CNBC-E.. At the beginning of the problems was the slowness of Bitcoin transfer transactions. After that, the material values ​​almost crashed.

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