
What you see in the photo is a cryptocurrency-themed artwork and sold for $400,000.

Celebrity artist Kevin Abosch’s tech-inspired artwork and photography challenges traditional perceptions of value.

Maybe you’ve heard of it.. Last year, an artist sold a photo of a potato taken with a digital camera for over $1 million.. The same artist sold his virtual artwork called “Forever Rose” for $1 million in cryptocurrency last February.. This artist is none other than the Irishman Kavin Abosch.

And Abosch is now in the spotlight with another artwork called “Yellow Lambo”. Abosch has signed a new study that represents the Blockchain contract address of a crypto token called YLAMBO with a yellow neon lamp.. The artist states that he named “Yellow Lambo” after the hashtag #lambo, which is frequently used by crypto money enthusiasts on online platforms. but upon reflection, he said he realized it was just a declaration confirming the madness around the spirit of crypto.

The Italian luxury car has become a symbol of prosperity in the cryptocurrency community in recent years.

This work of art by Abosch was bought by Michael Jackson, former COO of Skype, for $400,000.

Abosch will present another Blockchain-inspired artwork at the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg in May.

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