
What is IUNGO Network Token (ING)?

While blockchain technology has positively changed all sectors, the internet could not be expected to remain as it is. Undoubtedly, internet access is a big problem in anti-democratic governments, since the internet is centralized. What if the internet was decentralized?

What is IUNGO Network?

Iungo Network is a global wireless internet provider. Internet access is a basic requirement, but there is no generic domain name version The “right to the internet” or “freedom to connect” is a 15-year-old movement. Several giant companies have been building stratospheric balloons, nanosatellites, etc for over a decade.. Announces its plans to contain the planet with. But the status quo hasn’t changed much.


Solution: collection of hotspots. Regardless of new carrier types (for example, weather balloons), such solutions will remain monopolistic. Thus, WiFi will remain the only viable technology for a fair solution.
Their approach, which are examples of so-called P2P services like Airbnb or the Uber show, lowers prices insignificantly at the expense of monopolisation and conflicts disastrous at many business and social levels.. The network should not be owned by anyone to serve its purpose.
Open source software that uses a blockchain for a “self-executing ledger” and runs a community of permissionless hotspots is a viable solution. An ERC20 token will create a closed loop between hosts and users.

Why decentralized management?

Otherwise it wouldn’t work. Being decentralized, it completely changes the economic toolset and on the other hand brings it closer to the task of freedom to connect.
The team is creating an intelligent middleware, not a vertically integrated solution. Unlike many of the crypto projects that have emerged recently, IUNGO is a natural fit for blockchain technology chest. The system will be “politically” decentralized, as there is no point in centralized management or single-vendor dependency.
A single IUNGO connected router will be architecturally decentralized as it technically represents a complete and healthy cluster of the community.. Yet it is not “logically” decentralized. It cannot be cloned and for good reason – otherwise, segments of the community could be overcome by unfair competition.

Why ING Token?

Although there is a clear reason why launching the system requires funding , the native token serves the following purposes:
(1) ING clearly constrains the domestic economy and protects it from those with ETH and interests foreign to the system. Without ING, it would be like playing a monopoly game with regular cash – you never know which money comes from the game box and which doesn’t. The token is a more useful tool for a potential switch.

ING token is currently traded on Kucoin.

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