
Transaction fees on Monero are almost zero

Privacy focused cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) a few days ago had a hard fork to prevent mining with ASIC devices and to make transactions faster. gone. After this transaction, transaction fees on the Monero network decreased to almost zero.

Thanks to the update called Bulletproofs, transactions became more scalable and transaction fees, which were around 0.55 dollars, decreased to 0.021 dollars, according to the research.

The developer team, which has already foreseen this with the hard fork process, has also made a series of updates that prevent mining with ASIC devices (special mining devices).

Bitcoin on Monero, which is privacy-focused. Transfers and transfer amounts do not appear as in . So it comes across as a completely hidden coin. XMR, which is currently 10th in the largest crypto currency list with a market cap of $ 1.7 billion, is trading at $ 104 and is 80 percent below its peak last year. The update is not expected to have a serious impact on the price.

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