Russian porn star Elaterina Makarova, known under the pseudonym Macy Ssen, in a video message called on authorities, including Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, to create a legal framework for digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. In return, Makarova offered to make their fantasies come true.
‘Ignoring digital currencies means ignoring progress’
Makarova said:
“Ignoring digital currencies means ignoring progress. I think the future is in digital currencies. Now, if we can give digital currencies a chance for legitimacy, we will be the first and have a chance to become a world leader. This is my opinion.”
Makarova called for the legalization of Ethereum as well as Bitcoin and said, “If this happens I’ll do my best. I will make any of your fantasies come true.” He said.
There has been no response from the authorities so far to this call of Makarova.
Here is that video: