Remarkable results in the crypto survey conducted in the United States. Details are in our news.
Remarkable results in the crypto survey
Almost all cryptocurrencies have overvalued in the past year. Cryptocurrencies are very popular right now and are getting more and more attention day by day.. Search volumes for cryptocurrencies on Google are currently five times higher than for stocks.
The driving force of this interest is Generation Y, which refers to those born between 1980-1994.. According to studies, two out of three millennials in the United States believe that cryptocurrencies have become a more remarkable asset.
Some of the reasons underlying this interest of millennials are as follows:
-Spend less time securing returns
-Enables investment with low effort
-Innovation value
-High returns
The interest is growing day by day. Gemini, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, published a survey earlier this week.. According to the survey, 20 million Americans plan to invest in cryptocurrencies next year. 45% of respondents said they will use cryptocurrencies next year. 67% of millennials said they see it as a more remarkable investment than other options since the boom in cryptocurrencies started.
See: Bitcoin, Bitcoin news and breaking news
Again, millennials’ 75% say they want to learn more about cryptocurrencies.
The situation in the UK is not much different from the USA.. According to a Charles Schwab survey conducted in the UK, 20% of all young people trade cryptocurrencies and see cryptocurrencies as a solid investment option. It shows that it is more confident than traditional assets.
Investor Mitchell Yousem supported the survey results, saying, “I see it as a more visible way to make a profit in this market compared to the stock and bond market,” he told Insider.