
Can Blockchain Technology Challenge Youtube and Netflix?

Online video content now takes up a lot of space in the internet world. Giants like Youtube control the market so highly that it hosts every content globally.

While this community of giants offers users a large video streaming platform, some problems arise in the business model.

Companies like Youtube make money on the content produced by content producers, but do not give them the money they deserve apart from the income earned from advertising, and therefore they are called to duty.. While Youtube profits from the uploaded content, the real creative genius behind the content has to sell ads on this platform to make money.

“Even if their content is popular, there is no guarantee that content producers will make money on this content.. However, these services take advantage of everything users create.”. Online content is tightly controlled by the streaming platform. Companies such as Netflix, which provides limited video streaming to users, are in an authoritarian behavior. Monthly service fees also mean paying the company fee regardless of how much content users use. Users who watch 100 videos in a month and users who watch 10 videos in a month are charged the same.

Blockchain for Developers

Forbes According to his latest article, Blockchain technology has all the answers. This sprawling platform offers users the opportunity to upload their own content and earn the money they deserve from it.. The author explains this thinking with the following words:

“The video marketplace Streamplace is an on-demand and advertising-focused streaming service that allows filmmakers to sell their work directly with Blockchain. platform. Another video platform that combines Blockchain and Torrent technology and offers revenue sharing for the community is Flixxo”.

Equal access network and content monetization These companies, which create a platform, use Blockchain technology to creatively and deliver money to users.

User Freedom

Decentralized platforms offer more freedom to users. Because these platforms give users the chance to remove the ads at the beginning, middle or end of the video.

Users have the freedom to watch the information they want.. Everything that is made and uploaded without the supervision of central platforms such as Netflix is ​​consumed.

On decentralized peer-to-peer platforms, users have the ability to contribute to creators and appreciate their work. Provides an unmatched level of connectivity.

Increased user freedom and better monetization options for creators will drive many people out of the Youtube world and redirect to the other platform. However, even if Blockchain technology changes online video streaming or not, the value of decentralized systems will be clear. Creators and users will find new ways to improve content sharing.

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Another innovation from WhatsApp: Shopping feature is coming

The world’s largest calling and messaging application, WhatsApp, which was developed about 10 years ago for smartphones, continues to add innovation to its application. Founded in 2009 and then purchased by Facebook owner Mark Zuckerbag for a total of $19 billion in 2014, the application has undergone many innovations since then. WhatsApp, which includes banking transactions in some countries, is now preparing to incorporate the feature on Instagram and Facebook.

Shopping icon will be located above the chat window

According to the information received, it has been learned that the feature has been experimenting for a while and is preparing to bring the shopping feature just like Instagram and Facebook. If this feature is implemented, it will be available all over the world. From the shopping icon on the chat window of any company, shopping can be done without leaving the application and communication can be made through the same window.


Shock claim on the anniversary of the November Soleimani assassination: How will Bitcoin react!

A terrific claim that will stir the Middle East in the first days of the new year. Allegedly, the CIA assassinated a senior Iranian soldier in Yemen. How will Bitcoin react to this development?

Shock claim on the anniversary of the November Soleimani assassination: How will Bitcoin react!

In the first days of the new year, news came that will change the balance in the Middle East. It is alleged that a senior Iranian soldier was assassinated in Yemen. These claims have not yet been confirmed by official authorities. But it is confusing that the assassination allegations coincide with the anniversary of the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.

It is claimed that the assassinated senior Iranian soldier is Ali Reza Sahlani.

Please See: Bitcoin news, agenda and last minute developments

After the assassination of Qassem Soleimani by the US administration last year, the winds of war blew in the Middle East. Fortunately, it was not feared. However, after the news of the assassination of Qassem Soleimani fell to the world public opinion, global uncertainties increased. There was a jump in gold and Bitcoin prices.

The reaction of Bitcoin and gold prices after this claim is curious.

Details coming soon…



Stock Exchange Employee Responsible for $3 Million Bitcoin Heist

Indian bitcoin exchange Coinsecure announced that 438,318 bitcoins worth $3.3 million were stolen, and fraudulent employees were cited as the reason. Dr. Funds were withdrawn after Amitabh Saxena was disclosed trying to distribute bitcoin gold (BTG) to customers.

According to the initial report of the cybercrime team in New Delhi, the firm “were deeply sorry to have misplaced our attention with fabricated stories while being responsible for all this.” In a statement to CoinDesk, Coinsecure CEO Mohit Kalra said that the company was not at fault in the robbery and that the real problem was in the security chiefs’ system.

The firm also requested the cybercrime chief to revoke Saxena’s passport in order to prevent her from fleeing the country.

In a speech on the Coinsecure website, customers were told during the time they were trying to recover their lost money. He asked them to be with the company. In a statement to CoinDesk, Kalra described this as “an unfortunate event.” It will take some time to restore lost accounts, but our clients will receive compensation from the firm’s funds and we will come back stronger.”

CoinDesk-Sujha Sundararajan


Exclusive interview with Token Loyalty CEO Gregory Sperczynski

Here is our exclusive interview with the CEO of Token Loyalty, which offers advantages to its customers and stands out with its decentralized structure.

Hello, Welcome to our Chat. ?

Hi, I’m Gregory Sperczynski, CEO of Token Loyalty.

What is the legal status of the institution behind the ICO?

We have almost completed our preparations. More importantly, we worked with four different law firms to ensure the best compliance with ever-changing regulations.. Our ICO company is in Seychelles. We are planning to open branches in China, Malta and the UK after the ICO. You can send your questions about our ICO process to  [email protected]  mail.

Do you have a white paper document where factors such as your business model and token distribution are discussed?

Yes, we have a lot of documentation explaining how our business model, idea and token was designed. What matters is we show how we concentrate on the business layer.

Documentation is available at:

Is blockchain open source, for example published on the popular source code repository Github?

We do not publish our code as open source. Because there are many studies shared on this subject already.

Does the project have a website, social media and other media channels?

Yes, we have a secure site and we are on Bitcointalk, Twitter, Telegram (main channel), Linkedin, Facebook, Orta, Bitcoingarden and WavesTalk.

(To examine in more detail you can use the links below if you want)

https: //

https://www.slideshare.n et/GrzegorzSperczyski/tokenloyalty-we-bring-you-customers-you-make-added-value

How do you store the funds you collect

We store it with cold storage (encrypted AES + Twofish + Serpent, 256-bit).

A prototype, at least a live product or your trial version do you have it?

Yes, we have our main software and prototype here: If you want to try it, you can login from the panel links below.

Admin Panel: http: //

User Panel:

Vendor Panel:

7-) How will the funds you collect be used?

Full details are available on our tol map:

But to list the main elements of the Budget:

– Completing the project

– Vendors Create the first campaigns with

– Starting negotiations with well-known A-class brands

When will the tokens be available for trading?

Testing in progress ,

As we use Waves technology, tokens will be able to trade immediately after purchase.

How will it be distributed after the token sale is over?

Tokens will be easily distributed to purchasers. We’ve set up a distribution mechanic that works through Waves DEX.

Do you think it’s a good idea from someone else’s perspective?

ICO’s Before we started our preparations, we did research, researched the Waves community (about the individual loyalty program and the range of products that want to be on the network), and also constantly interviewed well-meaning vendors for cooperation.. In one sentence, yes we did, and I’m sure we have a good product of it.

Do you get partnerships or support from other companies for the project?

The basis of this business is related to the vendors. So our “investors” are sellers who want to make an impact.. Yes, we are meeting with vendors and there are those who will announce their decision before the ICO.

Do you have a competitor in this market?

We have a competitor but different approaches. For example, Lyoness. Also, most competitors are traditional or use tokens as a payment method.. But our approach is as follows:

– Marketing strategy

– Lead generation

– Gamification

– Financial technological solutions

The power in this market lies in the depth of the market.

Thank you for answering our questions. I wish you success in the ICO investment process, which will start on January 16, 2018.


What do Marxist individuals say about Bitcoin?

According to Marxist writer Erkin Özalp, Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are bubbles and they are bound to burst.. Blockchain technology can be useful. In an interview Özalp gave to Cumhuriyet newspaper, he made statements about bitcoin and blockchain. We can learn what Marxist individuals think about these technologies from Özalp’s answers.

Here are the headlines from that interview…

Are Bitcoin and other virtual currencies a bubble or do they have a real basis?

I think these are balloons inflating above a real floor. The crisis of 2007-2008 once again showed that states can devalue the money they issue at any time and confiscate people’s savings in banks.. It was in such an environment that the idea of ​​creating a currency independent of the states was realized and received a response.. On the other hand, like all other speculative bubbles in the past, this bubble can provide easy returns for those who invest in it as long as it continues to inflate.. The fact that those who are newly informed that big profits can be made thanks to cryptocurrencies start to invest in them, making it possible for the bubbles to continue to inflate.. They will explode sooner or later, for sure.

How does blockchain affect the financial system?

“Blockchain”, or blockchain technology, is money made for completely illegal business. While making money transfers easier, it makes normal money transfers more difficult.. The popularity of cryptocurrencies is not because they have disabled the financial system, but because they have gained in value speculatively.. On the other hand, today large financial companies and capitalist states are also developing projects to leverage blockchain technology because of the potential for a more reliable record-keeping system to reduce costs.. Any new technology also presents new possibilities for big capitalists and capitalist states who can make the most investment in it.

Speculative Bubble

How in the world? could lead to a transformation?. The strength of national currencies depends on the economic power represented by the states that issue them.. I do not think that cryptocurrencies, whose market values ​​fluctuate too much for purely speculative reasons, have no risk of being stolen or lost, and will lose value entirely sooner or later, can lead to a larger or different transformation compared to the speculative bubbles created by the financial sector.

Venezuela announced that it will issue its own virtual currency and aims to circumvent the US financial sanctions in this way.. Do you think this is a realistic plan?

As far as I can see, there is no serious plan.. If a currency that is independent of government interventions is to be created like other cryptocurrencies, there will be no difference between using one of the existing cryptocurrencies and using that currency.. Otherwise, if a government-controlled currency will be created, there will be no difference between the country’s current currency, the Bolívar, and this new currency.

Marxist Author: Great Splurge

Meanwhile, we are facing one of the biggest extravagances in human history.. Currently, the annual amount of energy spent for Bitcoin mining, that is, for performing mathematical operations that do not have the slightest benefit to humanity, has exceeded Denmark’s total energy expenditure for one year.

Virtual currencies and Does blockchain provide new possibilities for egalitarian society designs?

In an egalitarian society, there will be no need or place for cryptocurrencies. Blockchain technology, which has the potential to make it easier for people to work together towards common goals, in addition to providing a more reliable record-keeping system, is a candidate to provide new possibilities.. But it should not be thought that any technology, by its very nature and inevitably, will pave the way for an egalitarian society.. To date, the most significant attempts to create organizations free of government interference using blockchain technology have only increased existing inequalities, as they are based on existing relations of production and property.



Election decision from Facebook and Google: Advertising ban extended

Social media giants that imposed political advertising ban in the USA before the 59th presidential election on November 3, 2020, did not extend the deadline took the decision. In the USA, after the election, due to the uncertain results, Facebook and Google announced that the ban on political advertising was extended for another month.

Facebook said in a statement on the subject that this situation may last for a month, but that they can make an evaluation so that the period of 1 month can be delayed depending on the situation. US-based Google also announced that they will extend the ads for a while due to the second round of the elections.

The 59th presidential election of the USA was held on November 3, 2020. While Joe Biden from the Democratic Party staff was nominated, Donald Trump from the Republican Party was also nominated.


Closing Turkish Accounts on Bitcoin Exchange Bittrex

Recently, there have been complaints from Bittrex users that their accounts have been “deactivated for no reason”. According to the statements of these users, whose account was suspended for no reason, they are ignored when they contact Bittrex’s support team for information.

One of the users whose account was closed is worth over $30,000 in total in their Bittrex account. He says he has 6 Bitcoins and he can’t access his account anymore, and he hasn’t received a response from the support team.

Comments from users:

“More than 3 days, although no warnings or announcements have been made. My account has been closed for a while. The support team is also not responding to anything.”

“Despite all the reports we’ve sent to report this issue, the support team is ignoring us, as ugly and immoral as can be, rather than responding to the reports.”


One of the users mentioned that this trouble may have something to do with countries:

“More than 3,000 accounts were closed in Iran for no reason.”

Other a Bittrex user’s comment affects us as well, which is quite sad:

“I spoke to a lot of people in Telegram groups and according to that, the most affected countries are Syria, India, Iran, Russia, Pakistan and Turkey.”

Users complaining about their account being suspended for no reason say their accounts are “verified” accounts. So the situation has nothing to do with KYC/AML (know-your-customer/anti-money laundering).

At least two topics have been opened on the

Bitcointalk forum. Here and here.

People whose accounts have been closed are always faced with the same image when they try to log in to their accounts:

Support No Sound

Bittrex still has nothing to say on the subject. did not comment. is also empty. Bittrex’s Facebook page, on the other hand, does nothing but direct all users who have this problem to the support site and tell them to send a notification.

There is no explanation from Twitter either, and one of the users who shared about this issue is the answer they gave:

Strange Events

Without an exchange making any announcements or responding to user notices It’s pretty unusual for thousands of people to freeze their accounts.. But there are other strange events connected with Bittrex as well.

A blogger named “The CryptoSyndicate” said last week that due to a problem inside Bittrex, there was a wholesale of alternative cryptocurrencies across the exchange and as a result. He mentioned that prices on other major exchanges have also dropped:

“To put it simply, every alternative cryptocurrency on Bittrex has fallen in concert with each other.. Not all cryptocurrencies, only those found on Bittrex. Between 11:00 and 08:00 CEST on October 8, 2017, a large number of alternative cryptocurrencies fell sharply with each other within minutes of each other.. Is it a coincidence?”

Blogger named The CryptoSyndicate thinks this issue may have been caused by a problem with Bittrex’s transaction fees. According to him, Bittrex accidentally reduced the transaction fee it received from the transactions made within its body, converting these fees to Bitcoin, thus allowing alternative cryptocurrencies to experience a decline.. In addition:

“This has not happened on any other exchange.. Cryptocurrencies NOT IN Bittrex were also unaffected.. Exchanges such as Binance, Kraken, Bitstamp, Coinbase, GDAX, Coss, Cryptopia, Yobit were affected by this issue with Bittrex.”

Anger and Anxiety

A few years ago Mt. Gox, it is understandable that people shudder at even the slightest problem in Bitcoin exchanges.. When you hold your money on an exchange, you do not have full control of your money, as the exchange is in control of your private key rather than you.. In the event of a problem, such as a hack attack or a database error, you risk losing everything.. Timely Mt. Gox users have learned the hard way what that means.

Mt. When the Gox exchange crashed in early 2014, users lost a total of around 850,000 Bitcoins.. Of these 850,000, 200,000 were later “found” and the total loss fell to 650,000 Bitcoins.. At today’s price, this amount is $3.5 billion.

While such a situation has occurred in the very recent history, on top of that, Bittrex survived a hack attack last year; The current situation is quite annoying.

Stay Followed

If there is an official statement from Bittrex, you can follow it on Koin Bulletin.

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Bitcoin Transfers May Soon Be Free

Competition in Transaction Fees

If adoption of Bitcoin as a functional currency continues to spread, it looks like money transfer companies will have to lower their transaction fees.

Cathie Wood, CEO of ARK Invest’, cryptocurrencies will become much more valuable and their use will spread to a wide range of areas.. This will result in all money transfers being free.

Contrary to Investment

Wood and his company are known for investing in innovative and disruptive technologies.. So it’s no surprise that they’re showing interest in Bitcoin.

ARK Invest has invested $1.7 billion in revolutionary technologies. Prior to ARK, Wood has 12 years experience in an investment management position at Alliance Bernstein. Wood has managed $5 billion of investments in this company.

According to the CEO, Bitcoin is because the internet does not come with a built-in payment system. strong> fills this gap and provides solutions to many problems.

The Big Piece of Pie

Currently, Western Union and PayPal make a big profit from international money transfers. The reason this is still going on is because there is so little competition.

For Wood, Bitcoin is the messiah who will save migrant workers trying to send money home because for every $100 they send these people’ It loses 8% of it to companies as transaction fees.. According to Wood, companies will have to lower transaction fees thanks to the competitive environment created by cryptocurrencies.

Wood believes that transfer fees will eventually be lifted because:

“Information is so valuable it will be that what companies really want to achieve will be transactions.”

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SEC’s Ripple case – Expert analyst: These 5 altcoins are safe

Crypto strategist and popular name in the industry, Tyler Swope, announced 5 altcoins that he believes will not be exposed to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) attack.

5 altcoins that won’t have problems with the SEC

Swope states on a video to its 163k followers that the SEC’s lawsuit against Ripple could also cast a shadow over other future crypto projects.

“The evidence emerging against Ripple is overwhelming and this time the case may be set as precedent. SEC case in federal court. As a result, not only Ripple, XRP and those involved, but also all crypto projects in the securities basket will affect all crypto projects.” group thinks selected altcoin will not be affected. According to him, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) tokens like PieDAO’s DOUGH top his safe list.

“An altcoin or project has no funding from investors. If he didn’t, it’s pretty clear they wouldn’t have much to worry about right now.. And even better, the execution of a project by the DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization. Therefore, there is no company like Ripple to go after it.”

Swope also states that projects that raise funds with SEC approval are also safe.. He mentions two notable projects in this context.. These are the projects that the regulator has given the green light: Enterprise-grade blockchain Energy Web Chain (EWT) and DApp and smart contract founder Blockstack (STX) for the energy space.

Swope, with the words of Walter Kok, Energy Web CEO. reminds. Kok said that regulatory compliance is a must for those running projects on a global scale.

Blockstack was the first public and SEC-approved token issuance through “Regulation A+”.. Swope reminds that this project held the first “mini IPO (initial public offering)”.

According to Swope, another type of token that is safe is airdrop projects. Examples include decentralized exchange Uniswap (UNI) and decentralized exchange aggregator 1inch.

“These are management tokens and naturally they have not raised any funds.. Because of this, Uniswap is probably safe… There’s also the 1inch that just issued a token.”


Coins of the Future: It may be a surprise name among the top 5 coins of the future!

Cardano (ADA) will be among the top 5 coins in 2021. According to the CEO of a blockchain research firm, the TOP 10 in crypto rankings will change completely in 2021. New projects will replace all of them, including USDT and XRP.

Cardano will be among the top 5 coins in 2021

2018 During the crypto bubble period in , Cardano (ADA) price was $ 1, while its market value was over $ 30 billion.. At that time, Cardano’s market value was equal to the value of a medium-large-sized company.

Everything is different now.. ADA is currently ranked 11th on CoinMarketCap. next in line. Still, crypto companies executives think this situation is temporary.. Especially with the Shelly update, there is a strong opinion that ADA will rise again.

ADA may be in the TOP 5 in 2021

Messari CEO Ryan Selkis says that the top 10 cryptocurrencies will change in 2021. Because once again, “real garbage” has filled the industry.

According to him, from the third largest cryptocurrency to the tenth place, namely Tether (USDT), XRP and others, other projects will replace them all.. Among these, only Binance Coin will be able to maintain its place in the TOP 10, according to Selkis.

Messari’s CEO also expects ADA to be the fifth largest cryptocurrency.. Cardano’s market capitalization needs to double to reach $4.5 billion in order to take this seat.

Related – Long-term Cardano price analysis is fascinating

ADA’s Strong competition with Ethereum

According to Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson, ADA’s growth also depends on competition from other blockchains.

In a recent interview, Ethereum is still the leading smart contract blockchain. said he wasn’t. According to him, Cardano and other networks / technologies will also start to gain a foothold in this sector.

So, what do these executives think again? Because Cardano is trying to achieve many things with the Shelly update. This update will bring big innovations like “Ethereum 2.0”. As a result, the use of ADA will have the potential to increase exponentially.

Related – Cardano CEO has revealed the biggest lie in the cryptocurrency market

In the TOP 10 earthquake expectation

By the way, Selkis is not the only one who thinks that the top 10 rankings of cryptocurrencies will change.. Simon Dedic, co-founder of crypto research firm Blockfyre and advisor to the MoonRock Capital fund, also recently commented:

“I’m going to get a lot of criticism for saying this.. But I stand behind my view. XRP, BCH, BSV, LTC and EOS definitely do not deserve their TOP 10 position.

Can’t wait for them to disappear and give rise to solid projects like VET, LINK, XTZ or ATOM I’m waiting.”
