
They buried $50,000 in digital currency on the summit of Mount Everest

As part of an encouraging promotional campaign, “crypto enthusiasts” have buried a crypto wallet worth $50,000 at the top of Mount Everest. However, it is reported that things went wrong during the climb and a Nepali native who helped the climbers died. ASKT set out to bury tokens. One of the Nepalese natives who accompanied the group died in the process. He said they lost track of him and did not know how the man died.



Rabobank Fined $369M for Money Laundering After Calling Bitcoin Risky

Rabobank, a major Dutch bank that refused to serve Bitcoin businesses due to “compliance risks” last week, was fined $369 million for money laundering.


Rabobank’s $369M: “Hurry Bitcoin!”

According to various reports, Rabobank was one of the major Dutch institutions that rejected crypto entrepreneurs.

According to crypto industry commentators, Mexican The bank’s California affiliate was charged with conspiracy and fined billions of dollars in a case linked to drug paraphernalia.. But the officers are suspiciously avoiding punishment.


Last week Rabobank refused to open bank accounts for #cryptocurrency businesses due to money laundering risk. Today they’re fined, they’re still making a profit, and nobody’s going to jail. what kind of circus is this. Hurry #Bitcoin

Associated Press on Thursday, “The National Association of affiliate Rabobank has been denounced for its drug trafficking and other illegal activities from 2009 to 2012. He said he did not appeal when he was fined at least $369 million.” banks are doing their best to make this difficult.

Rabobank’s website has a special page on the “opportunities and dangers” of Bitcoin and alternative cryptocurrencies.

Steenberg puts his thoughts this way:

“The old and new worlds must and will find each other, this is what both sides seek. For now, paper money and coins continue to exist as normal. I don’t think this will change.”. Barclays and the global giant HSBC announced that they will accept crypto currency transactions.

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Armenia On The Road To Legalize Cryptocurrency Mining

Armenia seems to follow the footsteps of countries like Belarus in crypto regulations. The newly introduced bill deals with the legalization and regulation of cryptocurrency mining transactions within the country.. It will also offer tax exemptions and incentives for miners.. If the bill is passed, businesses will not need any licenses or permits to mine.. This will indirectly legalize the transactions of cryptocurrencies.

Keep Up With The Times

Bitcoin The law that will regulate mining of cryptocurrencies such as Yerevan’ also presented to parliament. If Armenian statesmen approve this new bill, Armenia will become the second Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member to take a positive step towards the crypto industry.. As the first member, Belarus has already made some progress in this direction by legalizing cryptocurrencies, issuing ICOs and exempting miners from taxes.

As a matter of fact, these changes are quite liberal.. According to Eurasia Daily, one of the articles states that every individual and company in Armenia is free to start mining by installing their own plant equipment.. And it doesn’t require any special permissions or licenses.. In addition, this bill exempts miners from taxes until 31 December 2023. For mining companies, it provides some benefits, such as creating exclusive special tariffs.

The attempt to legalize mining of cryptocurrencies is behind Edmon Marukyan.. As for what motivates him, Marukyan says he feels he has to do it because of his “need to keep up with the times”.. Even if there are some who oppose his initiatives, Marukyan seems to have his law on digital technologies accepted.. Especially considering some recent developments in this direction in the region.

Armenia’s neighbor Georgia is a real pioneer among the South Caucasus countries in the legalization of cryptocurrencies.. The implementation of blockchain technology in the private and public sector has been an emerging topic over the past few years.. And the first bitcoin mining facility in Transcaucasia is located in Georgia. In addition, the country’s land registry transactions have been provided via Blockchain since 2016.

Winds of Change in Eurasia

There are some questions about how appropriate it would be for the Armenian government to legalize cryptocurrencies. they voiced their doubts in Yerevan. The central bank, on the other hand, issued a statement 3 years ago before Bitcoin was issued, warning about the use of Bitcoin:

“According to the law, virtual money units are not electronic money.”

In addition, the Central bank promised that it would work on the issuance and circulation of cryptocurrencies, as well as take care of the security of users.

Eurasia Daily, Armenian authorities are cautious about this issue because they are aware that the control mechanisms they currently have are insufficient.. The weakness of public institutions and their location in a tense region close to conflicts increase the risk of cryptocurrencies being used in illegal activities such as money laundering and financing terrorism.

However, Armenia is slowing down its cryptophobia. seems to be running slow. Recently, a think tank working for the government came up with an idea to implement the Blockchain in different ways, zone by zone.. The plan to create a free economic space for start-ups developing distributed ledger applications was announced last January.

The winds of change have blown over Eurasia, changing the crypto climate in the Eurasian Economic Union. making it milder. Belarus, which is a leader in accepting cryptocurrencies, is preparing to take the necessary steps to legalize any Bitcoin-based transaction.. The presidential decree on cryptos, ICOs and smart contracts is expected to be implemented by the end of March.

In Russia, the Ministry of Finance “Digital Financial Assets” He had published a bill on. Despite its reservations about cryptocurrencies, the central bank said in a statement that it has no objections to the legalization of cryptocurrency mining and ICOs.. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev recently stated that they should combine their efforts with other EAEU countries.. And urged countries to take a joint approach to cryptocurrency regulations. Kazakhstan and another EAEU member Kyrgyzstan, which had a meeting between the leaders last week, have already started to take the necessary steps to be on the global crypto map.

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Telegram doubled the amount it collected in the ICO process

According to public documents; messaging app Telegram successfully raises another $850 million in Telegram ICO private sale According to a Form D disclosure with the Commission (SEC), the funds were: “purchase agreements with cryptocurrencies.” In particular, the filing states that the $850,000,000 offer was submitted in addition to the previous offer, stating that the company has now exceeded its $1.2 billion target and has raised a total of $1.7 billion during the first two phases of the sale. .

The sale is not over yet!

The Simple Deal token sale for Future Tokens (SAFT) is probably not over yet. Filing: “Issuers may pursue one or more subsequent bids.” As previously reported, Telegram may seek to increase the amount it raises to an estimated $2.55 billion, although it’s unclear when the company will launch the general phase of the sale. allowed individuals or institutions that have invested $100 to participate.

Funds will be used for Telegram Open Network (TON) development; This is an ambitious Blockchain to deploy the versatile features of digital communication, from file sharing to scanning transactions.

According to the SEC’s statement:

Issuers, development of TON Blockchain , the development and maintenance of Telegram Messenger intends to use the earnings for other purposes described in the offer materials.



Craig Wright Charges Bitcoin Pioneer: “Stay Away From Anarchist Priest”

Craig Wright, who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, but has been described as a “fraud” by many crypto money pioneers, especially Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin, was uploaded to Andreas Antonopoulos on Twitter.

Describing Antonopoulos, who is followed with curiosity by the crypto money world with his visionary comments, as a “shitcoin” expert, Wright shared with his followers that the only thing Antonopoulos knows about Bitcoin is to pronounce the name of Bitcoin correctly;

“Warning! Shitcoin expert Antonopoulos is far from understanding Bitcoin. All he knows is to pronounce Bitcoin correctly.. If you want to understand Bitcoin and blockchain properly, stay away from the anarchist priest. Sorry, nothing he tells you is true.”

Antonopoulos Favorite of Bitcoin Enthusiasts

Despite Craig Wright’s describing Antonopoulos as an anarchist priest, “Mastering Bitcoin” and “The Internet of Money” and is followed with interest by many people from the world of Bitcoin and crypto money. He claimed that 2-layer solutions that enable the development of micro-payments such as . It can be done instantly by reading the QR code in a way that allows this development to come to the fore in the real-life usage areas of Bitcoin. It is believed to make a significant contribution.

By watching this video that Antonopoulos shared just last week, you can learn about his vision for the future of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.


Hopeful Ethereum comment from the famous analyst

New Zealand phenomenon analyst Lark Davis made important shares about Ethereum.

Hopeful Ethereum comment from the famous analyst

Lark Davis especially on YouTube and Twitter an analyst who became a phenomenon with his publications and shares. Davis has 380 thousand followers on YouTube and 355 thousand on Twitter under the name @TheCryptoLark.. The famous analyst says in his latest youtube video that Ethereum can reach a market cap of $ 2 trillion and explains the reasons. while stating that it is not; in particular, he draws attention to DeFi (decentralized finance) and NFT (non-fugible token) relationships.

2 trillion for Ethereum in the future A dollar market value is actually not that crazy, I’d say.. I mean, it’s Apple right now… Apple’s market cap right now is just over $2 trillion, almost $2.1 trillion. So, we can predict this [for an asset] as a foundation for payments with NFTs and DeFi like Ethereum. Call me crazy, but I think this naughty boy [Ethereum] has more places to go.

DEX highlight for Ethereum by Davis

Davis noted that decentralized exchanges are increasing in volume, giving bullish signals for Ethereum:

User count still has enormous growth potential. This is something to keep in mind. Also, we’ve definitely seen decentralized exchange volume explode 8,500% in the last 12 months so we can see the user base, the real economy of Ethereum is growing like crazy because there is so much you can do on Ethereum.

ark Invest impact on Ethereum

Davis recently highlights the support given to Ethereum by Ark Invest and Catht Wood.


Cathy Wood’s Ark Invest buys Ethereum for the first time. Acquired 639,000 shares of Grayscale Ethereum Trust. this is really amazing. This means that Ark Invest is increasingly exploring Ethereum. They understand what Ethereum’s value propositions are. This is very important because a lot of people are paying attention to what Cathy Wood and Ark Invest are buying, what their company is investing, so they’re getting into Ethereum, which is very important now.”

Live ETH price: $ 1,019.26

Ethereum (ETH) technical analysis


Ethereum news, agenda and breaking news



Coincheck Attack Reveals Regulations in Japan

In 2014, the largest cryptocurrency exchange of the time, Mt.. Gox was shaken by the theft of almost half a billion dollars, and regulators in Japan began to take action on cryptocurrencies and exchanges.

The goal of the regulators was to both protect investors and allow a promising industry to grow.. The regulators thought they had taken care of the regulations that would enable them to achieve these goals last April.

The national system to oversee the cryptocurrency trade in Japan was the first in the world, and the regulators of other countries were still making a decision on how to intervene in the cryptocurrency industry. they had not arrived. According to the regulations in Japan, some exchanges were able to provide services even though they were not approved yet.

One of them was the Coincheck exchange.. Close to $500 million was stolen from Tokyo-based exchange Coincheck last month, and this theft was claimed by Mt.. Gox was said to be even bigger than what was done.

The theft of Coincheck exposed flaws in regulations implemented in Japan. Some experts even said that Japan should not have been involved in cryptocurrency exchanges in the first place, or should have followed a similar path to the regulations implemented by South Korea and China. As far as we can tell from interviews with some of the names, the regulations implemented in Japan allow the sector to grow, but while allowing growth, it also allows some problems to arise.

Although Japan’s Financial Services Authority (FSA) refused to comment on the subject. Supporters of the implemented regulations say there is no connection between the hack attack on Coincheck and the regulations.

Former IT Deputy Minister Mineyuki Fukuda: “To say that the FSA or corporate design was loose because of just one hack is a bit of a stretch. it runs too much” commented. During his tenure, Fukuda was a supporter of the regulation of cryptocurrencies.

“Not Money”

Mt. With Gox bankrupt, Japan didn’t know what to think about Bitcoin or who should be responsible for it.

A few days after the stock market crashed, Finance Minister Taro Aso said that Bitcoin was “not money”.. Aso stated that no government institution had authority over Bitcoin at that time and asked: “Does the Financial Services Authority have authority? of the Ministry of Finance? Consumer Relations Agency? The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry?” He wanted the money industry to create a body to regulate itself.

In line with this request, the Japan Digital Assets Authority (JADA) was established, which includes Blockchain and crypto money startups and entrepreneurs.

Read More the FSA was subsequently asked to regulate cryptocurrencies, and the FSA turned to JADA for help in this regard.. The FSA and JADA, which met to regulate, set rules that would benefit startups, such as low capital requirements. So Saito, general adviser of JBA), said that they “contact regularly with the FSA and offer technical information and ideas.”

However, there was no proper rule or regulation regarding the storage of digital assets.. For example, if the customers of the exchange were not too bothered by this practice, the exchanges were supposed to keep the encrypted keys that provide access to digital assets in “hardware wallets” such as USB wallets that are not connected to the internet.

The rules used in this regard are very strict. There was no reason for Coincheck not to keep nearly $500 million worth of NEM tokens in the online wallet, as the only hurdle was customer inconvenience.. Coincheck kept these tokens in a digital file stored on a server, and these tokens were stolen from there.

The CFO of the cryptocurrency exchange in Japan said that “FSA has been pretty calm about protecting customers from hardware and online wallets.”

Japan Against the World

Regulators in many parts of the world have not made very clear decisions about how to deal with cryptocurrencies. Many of these regulators are still hesitant or suspicious of digital currency trading.

In some countries, serious developments are taking place and steps are being taken.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission ( The head of the SEC recently said that regulators in the US must apply to Congress to regulate cryptocurrencies.. The heads of the SEC and CFTC attended a panel discussion on cryptocurrencies and Blockchain a few days ago and made some very positive comments.. You can read the comments made during the panel discussion in the article below:

When we look at Asia, South Korea wants to strictly control the cryptocurrency trade, and some authorities in South Korea even want local cryptocurrency exchanges to be closed.. Concerned about economic stability, China decided to close stock markets and ban ICOs last year.. India, on the other hand, wants to regulate the use of cryptocurrencies wholesale by March 31.

The usage statistics of cryptocurrencies are not very clear because cryptocurrencies are still not regulated in many countries.. But we do know that Japan is responsible for almost half of the global Bitcoin trade.. Japan’s share in the global market has increased after the decisions taken by the regulators.

When Japan enacted these regulations last April, the stock exchanges in the country had a period of 6 months to register.

Approval. Coincheck was among the exchanges that failed to. Coincheck submitted its application in mid-September, and Bitcoin was then moving towards the $20,000 record it reached in December.. They moved from an office in the ‘back streets’ to a brand new center. At that time when trade was booming, Coincheck’s share of Bitcoin trading in Japan was as high as 55%, up from 7% just a year ago.

Coincheck’s business development manager Kaga Kawabata last year Reuters He downplayed the regulations the FSA would implement in an interview with .. Every year someone takes action and it’s very difficult to train them.”

The FSA told Coincheck last week that part of the reason it didn’t approve was because of weaknesses in the exchange’s systems, but didn’t say anything about other reasons.. Despite these weaknesses in the system, the FSA allowed Coincheck to continue serving and wanted the weaknesses in the system to be fixed without giving a clear time frame.

According to some names in the industry, it would not be right to blame the FSA directly here.. The FSA let Coincheck survive despite knowing it was weak, but according to some names, the FSA had to turn a blind eye to Coincheck. Because Coincheck had become so big that the FSA could not put an end to Coincheck’s services.

Masakazu Masujima, lawyer and consultant of the Japan Cryptocurrency Affairs Association, one of the bodies of the sector, spoke about the subject as follows:

“Consumers wouldn’t be satisfied. Closing Coincheck was politically difficult. That’s why (FSA) kept asking Coincheck to improve their systems.”

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Social media platform that brings together crypto money enthusiasts: Comment

Turkey is the leader in Europe in cryptocurrency trading. It is among the top 5 in the world. Just from here, we can understand how crowded the crypto money world is already. However, not only those who use cryptocurrencies, but also cryptocurrencies themselves are increasing.

In fact, we wouldn’t be wrong if we say that hundreds of new coins are released every day. As such, it is quite difficult to follow the cryptocurrency agenda. Although crypto money news sites and Twitter’s agenda fill an important gap in this regard, the number of places that only broadcast on this subject is very few. Especially if this is a social media platform we are talking about. Yes, you heard right. We are talking about Torum, the world’s first crypto money social media platform. We are sure that you come across it often these days. You can see even more in the coming days. Therefore, we wanted to convey to you what was wondered and researched about Torum. Here are the details of Torum platform.

What are the newly released coins? 2021 Binance New Entrance Coins!

What’s My Torum?

Powered by XTM, Torum is a powerful outlet that bridges the gap between cryptocurrency communities around the world, and is a crypto-centric social media platform that aims to build an ecosystem.

From users to clans, companies to coin analysts, every function is designed to connect details and conversations. Torum, whose fund amount exceeds 2 million dollars, aims to grow the crypto social media platform in a short time together with its 13 investors. The center of Torum is known as Malaysia. Its founders are the trio of Ah Git, Alwin Chang and Jayson Tan. However, it continues to grow its team day by day.


Binance Offers Discounts To Its Users Due To Delays That Happened Yesterday

The popular cryptocurrency exchange Binance announced on its website today that technical issues that caused serious delays were caused by a system update yesterday. >:00 (10 am UTC) announced that it will revert. 9 As of January 9, Binance has paid 70% in transaction fees for 2 weeks to show their gratitude to all customers who have been patiently waiting for their support during the Binance update. discount announced.

Binance gained this international reputation in the crypto currency market in a short period of 6 months.

Forbes’‘s first ever crypto rich list, Binance’s CEO Changpeng Zhao is one of the richest men in the crypto industry was shown as one. Zhao also openly criticized Warren Buffett in famous media outlets, where he appeared as an industry expert.

As of January, Binance was the largest trading platform in the world.. This platform, which even received 240,000 new users within an hour at one time, had to impose restrictions on the recruitment of new members.

Although there was a slowdown due to the complex procedures used during the update. Zhao reassured users that there is no risk threatening the security of the data in his statement on social media. In a tweet he shared later:

“A DDoS attack on our cloud provider Tried to do it but problem was solved immediately. There are still some effects, but they will disappear over time.”

Binance 8 January due to technical problems experienced in the system, “hacked” news appeared in the media. It was refuted thanks to the public ledger offered by blockchain technology.

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Big raise from ÇAYKUR to all tea groups!

ÇAYKUR has increased all tea groups, one of the indispensable drinks of morning breakfasts. According to the statement, the amount of increase was reported to be 10 percent. With the hike in question, the private sector is expected to breathe.

Raise rate remained at 10 percent

According to the news of Necati Tuzcu from the World, the General Directorate of Tea Enterprises (ÇAYKUR), all tea It has been noted that the groups have increased by 10 percent, effective as of today. While both ÇAYKUR, the private sector and the tea producer were experiencing difficulties due to the low increase in dry tea, which has not been made for the last two years, and to cover the production and input costs for the last 4 years, the expected 20-25 percent increase in dry tea remained at 10 percent.

The 10 percent hike is expected to give the private sector a bit of a breather and increase the price of fresh tea in the second shoot tea purchase, making the producers smile.