
Europe’s sentiment on cryptocurrencies may be positive

As the European Union member countries have not yet made an official statement to the press about what they think about cryptocurrencies and what their expectations are about how to act, and because they have not taken firm and clear decisions in this regard, investors cannot fully trust cryptocurrencies in Europe and this The critical information gap on the subject is expected to be filled by the European Union in the near future.

While some EU member countries have not yet decided on cryptocurrencies within the union and how to act jointly, it has not been announced for a while, they have started to take their own legal decisions. , the absence of prohibition decisions among these decisions is effective in the emergence of the message that “EU sees cryptocurrencies positively”.

How can they decide?

The EU will have positive and negative effects on cryptocurrencies in the near future. be able to make some decisions and there is a general difference between these decisions. It is possible to find crypto money exchanges and prevention of forgery issues, not people who own cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is used very often in counterfeit money laundering and money laundering cases, and big problems can arise in this regard.

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