
Does blockchain ensure social media platform security?

Instagram hacking cases are increasing and Blockchain could bring permanent solution. The word “unhackable” pops up frequently when it comes to blockchain networks. According to the context, this word basically means “decentralized” because there is no central access point.

Instagram hacking cases are on the rise

A centralized server like Instagram is the only Although it’s an entry point, that doesn’t make it easy for a hacker to break in.. Rather, it serves as a place for them to destroy any defenses to get inside information.. Despite this, news of an increase in Instagram hacking cases has increased recently.

However; There is an increase in direct attacks aimed at scamming a user’s information through fake emails, phishing and much more.. In fact, these types of attacks are a little more interesting, because these users often give their passwords to the hacker by mistake.. Most of the time, these users think that they are entering their information in an official form, like the users on Instagram.

Being Deceived by Reliable Ways

Instagram hackers can do a lot of things once they get the information of these users.. Some hackers leak this information, some sell it on the Dark Web, others go after a specific account for a planned attack.. Regardless of their next steps, no one wants their account to be hacked.

Instagram hacking cases targeting high-level users have started to increase recently.. Kevin Kreider, owner of a Fitness Instagram account, recently suffered from an Instagram hacker attack. Received a message saying that their account was hacked and they had to pay in Bitcoin to get it back. Unfortunately, only some account holders were able to recover their Instagram and some don’t even know how.

One of the users paid the hackers but got nothing back. Another Instagram user, Anna Wood, was also attacked by Instagram hackers.. Anna Wood had random access to her account after blogging about the attack. And even though there is no word about Instagram:

“Not a word. I don’t know how they fixed it. I don’t know who hacked my account. Was this a random attack? Have I been specifically targeted?”

Instagram: Lack of accountability

Many people said that Instagram is absolutely not helping in cases of hacking like this. All the responses from the platform were pretty generic, and who knows how many more users have received no support or access to their accounts. pretty annoying. What if instead of trusting the platform we had to distrust the community?

Ideally, a blockchain-based social media platform would provide this solution for Instagram hacking cases.. For example, say a high-profile account has somehow been compromised by attackers.

First, this is quite difficult considering that it will gain access to an account with its own token and master password.. Only from there, they can report the problem to the community in power, they vote on what can be done next.

see: Warning: As the price of Bitcoin increased, so did the hacking incidents

Most incidents were reported to the original user. we can assume it will go right. No one ever has to trust even a big company like Facebook to get back to users with a public message. Of course, blockchain solutions can also present their own problems, such as scalability, but at least users have more control over their security.


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