
Demand for Ethereum May Increase

The claims made by Reddit founder Alexis today that “Ethereum will rise to the level of $ 1,500 towards the end of the year” helped some investors to increase more interest in Ethereum, which is experiencing a decline and the interest is decreasing day by day. Some of the investors mentioned that they started to think that the Ethereum price will increase more at the end of the year and stated that if the level of $ 1,500 is real, they can earn 700%. They stated that they did not know that the price level of 1,500 dollars will be of great importance and will mark a historical record. While wondering, it was reflected in the correspondence that US investors who wanted to evaluate their investments preferred their new investments in favor of Ethereum after these statements of Alexis. In the statements made and articles written on the Reddit forums, crypto money investors, who stated that they were interested in Alexis’ suggestions and that it was an accurate thought and prediction, said that they will continue to invest in Ethereum with Bitcoin and will continue to receive ETH and BTC for further investment. they stated.

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