
Cryptocurrency mining melted video card stocks: Prices skyrocketed!

To produce cryptocurrencies, that is, to mine, a high-performance graphics card is needed.. In addition to investing, cryptocurrency mining, which users showed great interest in, melted the stocks of graphics cards thoroughly.. Prices have also reached exorbitant levels in proportion to the demand.

Crypto Money Haber announced that about four months ago AMD and Nvidia would turn to crypto currency mining.

Cryptocurrency mining video card prices. doubled

The increase in graphics card prices, which started at the end of 2017 and reached serious levels, continues in the first month of the new year as well. Cryptocurrency miners, which are rapidly emptying the stocks of big technology markets, especially Amazon and Newegg, cause huge increases in video card prices regardless of segment.

The $699 graphics card has increased to $1300


The recommended price of Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti 11GB, which is currently one of the most powerful graphics cards in the market, was $699 last year, while it was around $650 with the opportunity discounts this year.. Since it’s out of stock at all vendors now, the graphics card has gone up to $1300, almost a 2-fold increase.

Segment and quality don’t matter

The situation is the same with lower-end cards.. While AMD’s RX Vega 64 graphics cards, which are frequently preferred in crypto currency mining, are normally sold at a price of around $ 499, the current price has reached $ 1800 on Amazon.

The second-hand prices have exceeded the zero prices

The rise in video card prices also affected the second-hand market. When the prices of used graphics cards are compared with the prices of last year, the prices of second-hand cards have exceeded the prices of new graphics cards.

Last year, Nvidia graphics card sales were stagnating, while ASUS announced the graphics cards it produced for Ethereum mining.

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