
Bitcoin investors react to Koinim

Bitcoin fell from $5000 to $2900 in the global market due to uncertainties in China.. But yesterday, after the uncertainty cleared, Bitcoin surged from the bottom to $3800.

Access to Koinim during this rapid rise of Bitcoin closed. Investors who could not enter the market for about 1 hour had to buy at a high price.

The stock market gave the following statements in the information mail it sent to its users regarding the subject:

there are problems. Our website has been temporarily under maintenance to solve this situation.

We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced and thank you for your understanding.”

However, this statement could not prevent the reactions.. The following comments were made about Koinim on social media:

The following is written in the title “Koinim” in Ekşi Sözlük:

Dream TV ended its broadcasting life


Japanese technology giant Toshiba ends computer production

One of the Japanese electronics giants Toshiba could not hold on any longer in the increasing competition environment with the developing technology. Having stepped into the laptop industry in 1985, Toshiba was at the forefront of the industry in the 1990s. In the 2000s, the new design of computer manufacturers such as Apple, Dell, HP was one of the factors that attracted the attention of users.

Japanese giant Toshiba’s lack of innovative understanding and not trying to influence its users has caused it to fall behind in the computer industry.

Toshiba laptops are no longer available in technology stores.

With the advent of smartphones in the 2010s, the computer industry began to decline worldwide. In this period, while Apple and Samsung started in the smartphone industry, many operations that a laptop could do were started to be handled from phones.

It has come to a standstill

Toshiba, which could not keep up with the developing technology and innovative productions, almost came to a standstill in 2018. Then the Japanese giant handed over its computer division to Sharp. After the sale for $36 million, Toshiba continued to hold 19.9 percent of the shares.

The computer division, which was transferred to Sharp, saw increases and growth was recorded. Sharp turned its remaining 19.9 percent shares of Toshiba into itself on 30 June 2020. With this acquisition, it can be said that Toshiba has withdrawn from the laptop industry.

Varan Turizm is counting the days to be on the road again


Statement from Bring to the allegations that ‘courier tips are stolen’

While the

online market application Getir continues to grow day by day, it continues to make a name for itself with some events. A new allegation was made about Getir, which was on the agenda recently because she fired her courier who beat a woman who beat a woman.

Your account has 6 liras

According to the claim circulating on social media, it was claimed that the online market application Getir stole courier tips. Allegedly, the Getir employee opens an order and pays him a tip of 100 liras, but claims that 6 lira is credited to his account.

After the increasing discussion on the subject in the social media, Getir made statements regarding the allegations on his Twitter account.

The online market application Getir said that such a problem was experienced due to a malfunction in the system. The next day, Bring announced that all tips were paid as they should have been.

Who is Yusuf Akkas? Who is Köfteci Yusuf?


Vetements’ Hug Me Bear slippers are up for sale at astonishing price

The new slippers of the clothing brand Vetements, headquartered in Switzerland and founded in 2014, are astonishing in price.

Vetements, founded by Guram Gvasalia, rose to fame in a very short time. The brand, which started to sell accessories and shoes in addition to clothing, continued to grow. The brand launched its new model slippers with two different options at an astonishing price. Vetements’ Hug Me Bear slippers are available for $150.

The Largest Mining Pool is for Unity


New Update on Ethereum Hard Fork

New Update in Ethereum Hard Fork

Best 2. A new update is currently planned for the blockchain of the cryptocurrency ethereum.. Code “Byzantium” (Byzantine), a step in the upgrade called Metropolis, 4,370,000. It will be implemented as a “hard fork” starting from the block.

9 different ethereum development protocols (EIPs) will be implemented on the ethereum blockchain together with the Byzantine code.. The changes will make the platform lighter and easier to operate; It is thought to increase transaction speed, smart contract security and privacy.. Let’s take a look at the effects of the changes on the platform separately.


As the success of the upgrade depends on the network nodes, the clients that provide the software to the nodes Making sure that it is ready to upgrade is one of the most important issues.. This means that startups responsible for auditing clients need to make sure their software includes EIPs that will activate the Byzantine hard fork.. 4,370,000. Starting from the block, EIPs will start to be coded to the clients and this block will be the starting point of the hard fork.. If some nodes are left behind, the blockchain will split, creating different versions of the same platform.. It has been reported that most of the clients already appear ready to upgrade.


With Byzantium, mining difficulty will be significantly reduced. Blocks will be mined faster, transaction times will accelerate, and miners will receive less rewards per block.


If everything goes as planned, exchanges won’t have to do anything. However, it is useful to remember the DAO event.. After the DAO process, which suddenly gave birth to ethereum classic, the stock markets were left on the counter.. Although projects such as Etherite, which is designed for different things for the network and opposes Byzantium, do not receive significant support for now, there is no guarantee that if these projects are supported, there will be no confusion.. In this case, stock exchanges that are known for their speculative market-supporting moves may have to add the new currency to their platforms.

Application developers

Ethereum application developers should also face any difficulties. not expected. Mist and derivative ethereum browsers will be upgraded automatically. 4,370,000. The way failed transactions are detected will change after the block. It is thought that this will be the only change for developers.

Disclaimer: The information in the article is for informational purposes only.. It does not constitute any investment advice.. The author and are not responsible for your profit or loss arising from the investments you make.. Investment ultimately relies on many foundations such as knowledge, experience, research and personal decisions.

Why Does India Want to Take Precautions Regarding Cryptocurrencies?


Billionaire investor spins: Bitcoin is no different from the US dollar

The famous billionaire investor Howard Marks has previously urged people to stay away from Bitcoin and said that you should think twice before investing. ‘ said Marks, now he has turned.. The billionaire investor said that Bitcoin is no different from the US dollar, adding:

“There’s no reason why Bitcoin or anything else shouldn’t serve as currency if accepted as such by enough people. ”

‘I understand Bitcoin and digital currencies better now’

However, Marks continues to see Bitcoin as a tool for speculation and remains concerned:

“I am a little less a dinosaur since I wrote my final notes on Bitcoin thanks to the people who took the time to educate me. I think I understand better what digital money is, how Bitcoin works, and some of the arguments.. But I still don’t want to invest. ‘Cause I see it as a speculative bubble. I wish I was wrong.”

Poloniex Will Offer Bitcoin Cash


Russia’s Cryptocurrency Is Coming; CryptoRuble

According to local media reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin officially announced that Russia will issue its own cryptocurrency called “CryptoRuble” at a closed meeting in Moscow. The news was spread by the Minister of Communications Nikolay Nikiforov.

According to official officials, the cryptoruble to be produced by the state will not be mined and will only be issued, controlled and maintained by the competent authorities. CryptoRubles can be exchanged for Rubles at any time, wherever they are, but will pay a 13% tax if the owner cannot reveal where the CryptoRuble came from. The same tax will be levied on investors who earn by trading.

Nikiforov said:

To explain for a simple reason: if we don’t do this, our neighbors at EurAsEC (Eurasian economic community) will do it in 2 months.”

Russia seems ambivalent towards cryptocurrencies

Although the announcement signifies Russia’s entry into the world of cryptocurrencies, it does not mean the approval, legalization of Bitcoin or the approval of any decentralized crypto currency. On the contrary, Putin recently expressed an opinion on a complete ban of all cryptocurrencies in Russia. It seems that it also contradicts the previous comments from other ministers who are not subject to it. Now, with the emergence of CryptoRuble, its clear contradictions are emerging.


Russia and Iran to Trade in Cryptocurrency


How many cryptocurrency projects died during the bear market?

Research has revealed that many cryptocurrency projects have been wiped out while the bear market continues.. So why did these projects fail?

According to the research of Coinopsy and DeadCoin, more than 1000 crypto money projects have died

DeadCoins and Coinopsy According to data from nearly 1000 different cryptocurrency projects died in 2018 . Some of these crypto projects were victims of a bear market. Most of the dead crypto projects were scam projects, even their ICOs were regulated.

Bitconnect is on the list of dead crypto projects by DeadCoins and Coinopsy.. BitConnect is considered one of the largest crypto-linked Ponzi scheme scams in history.

Compiling one of the most comprehensive sources of information on failed projects, Deadcoins currently has at least 934 strong> revealed that the crypto money project was deleted from the market. In July 2018, DeadCoins said around 800 crypto projects were dead.. In addition, Coinopsy says there are 483 more digital currency projects that are no longer active.

According to Coinopsy, a crypto project can be considered dead if its token was abandoned by its founders, is a scam, or if the website is no longer operational.

Coinopsy also states that the cryptocurrency project can be considered dead if there is no transaction volume or if the transaction confirmation nodes do not support the token.. But if there are unresolved technical issues with the software that supports the cryptocurrency, crypto is considered inactive.

In particular, Coinopsy has classified dead coins as follows:

  • Dead ICO coins
  • Dead Joke (joke) coins
  • Abandoned (Abandoned) dead coins
  • <

  • Dead Scam (scam) coins

There are 113 ICO dead coins identified by Coinopsy. So what do ICO dead coins mean?

What are dead ICO coins?

Projects that have held an ICO but do not offer any products or updates related to their platform are called.

Cryptocurrencies are also seen as dead ICO coins (by Coinopsy) if they are used for pump-dump or manipulation purposes and have never been accepted.

Wall Street Journal : Most of the dead crypto projects are exactly the same as crypto projects. copied

What is a joke coin?

According to Coinopsy, one is crypto that was launched with the sole intent of joking and has no serious plans to become a useful digital asset..

There are 17 cryptocurrencies listed as prank cryptos on Coinopsy. In addition, Coinopsy stated that there are at least 40 cryptocurrency projects and 313 Abandoned dead coins that have been uncovered for fraudulent purposes.

Recently, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) also investigated inactive crypto projects.. The WSJ’s latest research findings reveal that over 15% of crypto projects that raised funds through ICOs in 2017 and 2018 had their white papers copied exactly from other crypto projects.


Supermarket Chain “Pick n Pay” Added Among Businesses Accepting Bitcoin


Bitcoin Price Will Keep Increasing With SegWit: Reasons & Developments

When the SegWit lockdown, which we can describe as the development and scaling solution of the Bitcoin Core developer team, occurs, the market and investors are talking about their trust in Bitcoin and its ability to scale. And they say all this will increase the price of Bitcoin. So why will the Bitcoin price increase in this process? We’ll talk about that in this article.

The locking and role of SegWit activation definitely played a big role in increasing the value of Bitcoin.

Debates on Bitcoin and block size scaling have been going on since 2015. Enabling SegWit marks a major milestone in Bitcoin and the first big step towards scaling.

However, it would be wrong to say that the volatility in Bitcoin price was solely due to SegWit.

Consumers throughout 2017 The adoption of Bitcoin by stockbrokers, institutional investors, large-scale conglomerates, and traders has increased significantly.. It can also be said that it plays the role of a safe investment warehouse and gold for long-term investors.

Three main reasons why Bitcoin price will continue to rise

Bitcoin price is likely to increase at a consistent rate in the coming months. Three major factors in these increases: adoption by institutional investors, the elimination of uncertainties about Bitcoin’s scaling, and increased legalization of Bitcoin in major economies.

Trade volume of Bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency market exceeded $ 5.5 billion.. $3 billion of that volume belongs to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Such arrangements, including Gemini’s daily Bitcoin auction (Bitcoin auction system) and the Bitcoin integration of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Institutional investors will be able to trade higher amounts of Bitcoin on exchanges that make. This indicates that Bitcoin will fall into the hands of wider investors and the market will move.

Fidelity CEO Abigail Johnson said:

“We made small Bitcoin transactions. We tried small Bitcoin and Ethereum mining operations. All of this was done in the spirit of learning, and I believe in it.”

Besides these, perhaps one of the most important factors is that after the Bitcoin Cash separation on August 1, the uncertainty in people’s minds was resolved.

For years, the Bitcoin community and industry have expressed concerns over the security issues of the fork, but the separation did not have the expected effects on Bitcoin. In fact, the value and demand of Bitcoin has never increased this much before.

Blockchain Summit Istanbul November 2017 (Blasea)


The brand that sells the most smartphones has been determined: Apple has fallen from the top!

With the development of technology day by day, smartphone manufacturers continue to compete. Apple, which has long been the holder of the top among the brands selling the most smartphones, descended from the top with the great rise of Huawei. Huawei became the top selling smartphone brand.

One of the top selling phone brands before Apple, Samsung continued to increase its rise.

The Huawei brand, which gained great momentum despite the embargoes of the USA, achieved significant success. Huawei managed to sell more phones than Samsung and Apple.

Huawei sold 55.8 million phones in the second quarter of this year, while Samsung sold 54.3 million. Apple ranked third with 39.9 million devices.

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