
He mispronounced a number while porting: Vodafone and Türk Telekom blamed each other

When a citizen in Kahramanmaraş who wants to move his number from Türk Telekom to Vodafone incorrectly says a digit of his phone number, a different The person’s line was transferred to Vodafone. While the elder brother of the victim made his voice heard from Ekşi Sözlük, he stated that both operators blamed each other

All expenses were reflected on the final invoice

All expenses of the person whose line was switched to Vodafone by mistake after the mistake were reflected on his final invoice. For the relevant situation, the victim citizen had a conversation with the customer services of two operators. However, both Türk Telekom and Vodafone replied, “There is no situation with us, talk to the other party”.

After the grievance experienced was not resolved, the victim, who made his voice heard on Ekşi Sözlük, drew attention to the scandal in question and said, “Is it that easy without an identity and signature?”

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2.5 Million Ruble Award to Cryptocurrency Researchers!

Russian State Duma has launched an official tender for a detailed research study on cryptocurrencies, blockchains and ICOs.

Government will allocate federal budget to the winner 2.5 million rubles announced that it will pay. The deadline for submission of bids has been set as October 10.

According to the Russian government’s public procurement website, the State Duma; The cryptocurrency market has opened an official tender for a detailed financial technology research, which includes ICOs and blockchain technologies.

Applications will close on 10 October, submissions are only one until 17 October. will only be evaluated. The winner of the contract will receive 2,498,800 rubles – about $43,400. It should do extensive research on whether ICOs can be an alternative to traditional fundraising channels.”

What will be the content of the research?

In the official mandate for the project, the report takes into account blockchain, ICO and cryptocurrencies prerequisites for their formation, assessment of future prospects for the Russian financial market anddifferent regulatory approach. It includes investigating the possibility of integrating into the Russian and global capital markets by adding investment.

In addition to this, identification of risks and potential threats that may adversely affect the economy is also included in the job description

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The study is also about ICOs It also wants a review on how it can be used as a sustainable alternative channel to mobilize investment resources and how a unique regulatory structure can be developed.

To legislate Crypto

The project’s mission statement defines the purpose of the project. also summarizes:

Using the results of this study, the State Duma has passed a legislative act with the aim of integrating the the most promising technologies into Russia’s financial market. It is aimed to establish the initiative and to ensure their development and regulation by law.

Currently, the Bank of Russia and the ministry of finance are creating a system for cryptocurrencies. According to a recent report, the Russian Finance Minister was preparing a bill to legalize cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.. Although the bill is expected to be released at the end of this year, the central bank has taken an opposing stance to cryptocurrencies and said, “We will not allow the use of cryptocurrencies to replace money.”
Officially announced: Russia is launching an official digital currency


The ‘Bitcoinization’ of a State Happens for the First Time

In recent months, Bitcoin buying and mining in Venezuela has spread widely, giving rise to rumors about the development and demand of cryptocurrency there.

Andean Capital Advisors in an interview with Daniel Osorio onCNBC that the country may soon be fully “Bitcoinized” . Osorio, who spends almost a week of every month in this South American country, talked about the high inflation values ​​that Venezuelans struggle with. During the interview, he stated that a simple lunch costs around 200,000 Bolívars, or $8-10.

Bitcoin only

Lunch Local businesses have started to accept only Bitcoin or wire transfer of foreign currencies for payments. The real problem, according to Osorio, is that Venezuela does not have access to enough dollars to run their economy, like Zimbabwe or other countries hit hard by high inflation

This is why locals switched to Bitcoin so that the economy could function. Since Bitcoin is independent of the Bolivar black market, it creates a stable exchange platform. Towards the end of the section Osorio:

“We may be witnessing the “Bitcoinization” of a sovereign state.” said.

Since transaction volume and reach have increased exponentially, crypto lovers can argue that this news is only a forerunner of what will happen in the future.

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Fed Chairman: Bitcoin is a Speculative Asset


First Bitcoin ATM Installed in Malta

Malta is one of the most ambitious countries in the field of blockchain in recent years, while many citizens are actively involved in companies working on blockchain technology. Many people, on the other hand, complained that although they had crypto money in the country, there was no ATM device for the crypto money they invested in. Today, it has been announced that a Bitcoin ATM has been placed in one of the most popular places in the country. It has been announced that the device will be able to serve fully during the time the shopping mall is open for security reasons, and then Bitcoin ATMs can be installed in more regions.

Not Installed in Turkey

Turkey, on the other hand, still does not have a crypto money ATM despite the large number of citizens who own cryptocurrencies, and no domestic Turkish company or cryptocurrency exchange has taken any steps in this regard. It is extremely difficult to know when and how the first Bitcoin ATM will be installed in Turkey.

Bitcoin and Bond Bubbles


All assets of SBK Holding and Sezgin Baran Korkmaz were confiscated

Within the framework of the investigation carried out by the prosecutor’s office for money laundering crime, more than 10 people including SBK Holding owner Sezgin Baran Korkmaz person’s property confiscated. On the subject, Korkmaz said, “Put the tea and we’re starting again”

Properties were confiscated

SBK Holding owner Sezgin Baran, who took initiatives for the Honda factory in Kocaeli The assets of Korkmaz and 13 people with him were confiscated due to money laundering. Emphasizing that the Istanbul Prosecutor’s Office’s request was aimed at obtaining evidence, the judgeship seized the assets of the following people with its decision;

  • Sezgin Baran Korkmaz
  • Jacop Ortell Kingston,
  • Isaiah Kingston,
  • Rachel Kingston,
  • Sally Kingston,
  • Lev Dermen,
  • Doğa Dodan,
  • Kamil Feridun Özkahraman,
  • Alptekin Yılmaz,
  • Mehmet Demir,
  • Yakup Levent Korkut,
  • Zeynel Eren,
  • Izzet Bozkurt

Also, all assets of the following companies were seized as part of the investigation

  • Mega Varlık Yönetim A.Ş.,
  • Komak Thermal Insulation Systems,
  • SBK Holding Biofarma Pharmaceutical Industry,
  • Münir Şahin İlaç Sanayi,
  • Ecem İlaç Pazarlama,
  • Istanbul East West Association,
  • Bugaraj Electronic Commerce,
  • Heksaxon Engineering,
  • Auto Alsat Bilişim Otomotiv,
  • Vaniköy Insurance,
  • Komak Mineral Oil Fuel,
  • Bogazici Cam Industry,
  • Bukombin Bilişim,
  • Ünosan Kimya,
  • Noil Investment,
  • Blane Teknoloji,
  • Umut İlaç,
  • Isaanne SARL,

Messages of support have poured in

In recent years Sezgin Baran Korkmaz, the head of SBK Holding, which is one of the strongest companies after his R&D studies and investments in many sectors, received messages of support over social media. Here are some messages of support:. If the king comes, he can’t wash itķ. Fake accounts, you will pay too. We are always behind you to help people in places we haven’t even heard of, or concerts on Istiklal Street.

Is there no limit to what can be done with Blockchain?


Christopher Matthew: Bitcoin Will Be $15,000

Former vice president of Goldman Sachs, Christopher Matta, answered questions about how much Bitcoin will be in the future. Stating that cryptocurrencies will develop and grow more despite all the negative process in his statement, Matta announced that the process will progress in the best way and the number of people who own crypto money will increase even more. Stating that people who own Bitcoin are expected to make a profit, Matta aroused curiosity by not giving a precise date for when the rise to the $15,000 level could occur. It can be known that the statements of former vice president of Sachs, Christopher Matta, have attracted the attention and admiration of crypto money holders. It is possible no matter how high the risk of a situation opposite to the statements of . At the end of this process, we will be able to wait for which analyst’s explanation is correct and then decide which one is correct. In this process, protecting our investments is the main priority.

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New prediction for Bitcoin from successful analyst Ronnie Moas: $11,000

Analyst Ronnie Moas upped his forecast, saying that Bitcoin will rise to $11,000 in 2018.

Market analyst Moas, owner of Standpoint Research, in addition to announcing that CME will launch futures in Bitcoin He stated that encouraging statements from the governments of several developing countries such as Turkey will contribute to the price increase. The famous analyst also made a prediction in the same e-mail, stating that the price of Bitcoin will reach $11,000 by next year.

$120,000 in 5 years

Moas had previously sold Bitcoin for 5 years. He said it would be worth $120,000 within a year.

His predictions are right

Moas made a prediction in July and predicted that Bitcoin would rise above $5,000. Moas, who was right in this prediction, stated that it would be $ 7500 by the end of the year. This prediction of the successful analyst was also correct.

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May Benefit Under Bitcoin’s Tough Times

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have been facing challenges lately. These challenges stem from sanctions on cryptocurrencies from governments and major financial institutions.. It might be a good idea to invest in gold right now, after the recent blows to Bitcoin.

A Good Time for Gold

There have been many criticisms of cryptocurrencies, their rapid rise, and the underlying technology in recent months. However, gold did not suffer from this situation.

Aside from being damaged, it has recently reached $1,350 by breaking a record.. While reaching this record, it had a steady increase of $100 for 3 months.. Of course, when compared to the crypto money market, a $100 increase is not surprising, but on a gold basis, this increase is quite remarkable.

Why Does Gold Make a Profit When Bitcoin Is In Trouble?

While Bitcoin is on the rise, so is gold. but when Bitcoin was hit by blows from China and JPMorgan and it started to fall, gold continued to rise.

As we mentioned and you know, gold is always considered a “safe investment”.. It doesn’t rise too much, but it doesn’t fall too much either.. When cryptocurrencies emerged and experienced an increase of 700% and 800% in a short time, many people started to direct their investments to this market.

However, in difficult times, gold has always served as an “insurance”, especially for investors who want to be cautious.

We said that gold is not going down/up much, but all it takes for gold to suddenly make a significant rise is to see a few major people around the world convert their money to gold.

Events That Benefit Gold

Bitcoin is not the only market experiencing bubble talk and uncertainties, of course.. Such problems can be experienced in almost any stock market.

One of the stock markets that have problems is the dollar stock market.. The recent decline in the dollar is due to the uncertainties in the USA, and the starting point of these uncertainties is the president of the country, Donald Trump.. Trump’s comments on the war on North Korea settled like a stamp on the financial market and dealt a solid blow to the dollar.. Gold, on the other hand, survived this coup and remained stable.

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What Do Politicians Know About Bitcoin?

Governments exist for the better rule of the peoples, and it is not possible for the peoples to govern themselves without a government or administration. Although there were people living without government and administrations in the past, it is not possible to think about this situation today. It is essential to have a government and politicians in an environment where there are aggressive states and in an environment where there are aggressive people. It is obvious that more attention should be paid to the issue.

Politicians Have Enough Information, But…

Politicians have enough knowledge about Bitcoin, at least in Turkey, but about Bitcoin It can be seen that they are not fully informed about the laws and the precautions to be taken. While South Korea is a leading country in this field, politicians in the USA have a lot of knowledge about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and they take new measures at the highest level by enacting new laws in this area.

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The Falls of Bitcoin and the Earning Opportunities From These

Bitcoin had recently hit a record high of around $5,000 and fell abruptly to the $3,000 mark.. It can be said that this month has been quite confusing.

Such sudden drops and rises are quite common in digital currencies, and sudden changes of 10%, 20%, even 40% are no longer surprising.


April 2013 Meltdown

Bitcoin’s serious decline in the past. Bitcoin price dropped 71% from $233 to $67 in 12 hours, and it took seven months to recover.

Bitcoin’s reason for this decline was shown to be spreading for the first time. Bitcoin, which never crossed the $15 limit before 2013, expanded to $200 with the promotion of the media.

The 2013 Bubble

After April, the Bitcoin price remained around $120 for a while. But by the end of the year, in late November, it “takes off” to hit $1,150.. By mid-December, the price even dropped below half of $1,150 and remained there for 4 years until it saw the $1,000 mark again.

The drop in late 2013 is a really good bubble example. New investors flocking to Bitcoin made the price skyrocket. Around this time, governments started to take Bitcoin seriously and exchanges like Coinbase made it much easier to buy Bitcoin.

Mt.. Gox Incident

A blow to Bitcoin, which started to recover after the fall in December 2013, came from Mt.. This blow would have almost completely wiped out Bitcoin, beyond causing an ordinary price drop.. While Bitcoin rose steadily through January and February, it suddenly dropped by almost 50% from $867 to $439 in February.

This event is Mt.Gox, The stock market, which stopped its withdrawals on February 7, later made a statement and announced that the thieves who carried out the attack stole 850,000 Bitcoins (currently about $ 3.5 billion).

2017 Summer Sale

Earlier in January this year, Bitcoin once again crossed the $1,000 mark and continued to rise to $3,000 by June.. However, it fell 36% to $1,869 in mid-July.

Despite Bitcoin’s growing popularity and appeal, there was a “civil war” among the cryptocurrency community.. The August 1 hard fork made many investors worried about the future of Bitcoin, as miners and users took different sides.

China’s Intervention

With the fork out of the way and the closing of the hostilities of the defenders, Bitcoin once again became active and experienced great growth.. Although it saw the $5,000 limit in early September, it saw a 37% increase around September 15th, reducing Bitcoin’s market cap by close to $30 billion.

Obviously this China is the only reason. The country initially attacked ICOs, then digital currency exchanges, causing concern among investors.

Lessons to be Learned

One of the most basic things to know in the digital currency market is that the market is very volatile. .

Again, one of the most basic things, when we look at the declines in the past, we can see that the news, speculations and rumors in the media can affect this market very seriously.

When we look at the past once again, we see that Bitcoin It has survived all these falls and has risen higher and higher each time.. This period of rise can sometimes last for 1 week, sometimes for 1 year.

Compared to the previous declines, it can be said that the declines that we have experienced are a little tricky.. However, after the recent declines, Bitcoin is recovering much faster and more comprehensively than before.. This indicates that the market is starting to mature. Today, the cryptocurrency market is much larger and more stable than before.. These features seem to increase as time goes on.

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