
Rhinoplasty is now possible with Bitcoin

Do you think rhinoplasty is possible with Bitcoin? Bitcoin, which is one of the rapidly rising investment tools both in the world and in our country, has also managed to influence the health sector.. With Bitcoin, which has become one of the preferred payment tools in the sector, you will be able to pay when you have aesthetic surgery.. Doctor Özkan Arcan, the general coordinator of Private Ento Ear Nose and Throat Surgery Medical Center in İzmir, stated that all patients will be able to pay the surgery fees with Bitcoin in 2018.

They will have a nose job with Bitcoin

Bitcoin, which started to be used silently by people in 2009, experienced groundbreaking developments, especially in 2017.. With its rise in recent months, this crypto currency, which allows many people to earn money, has also started to be paid in many places.. Rhinoplasty with Bitcoin is one of them.. Bitcoin, which has recently been accepted by many commercial enterprises and banks around the world, has also started to come to the fore in the health sector.. General Coordinator of Private Ento ENT Surgery Medical Center, who made statements on the subject.. Özkan Arcan said, “Payment with Bitcoin, which is newly developing in Turkey, is preferred by many sectors and businesses abroad.. Our foreign patients who come to our center for treatment express their satisfaction when they hear about the system.. We think that institutions that receive payments with Bitcoin will increase in Turkey in the near future,” he said.. Arcan also underlined that altcoins will be entered into the system in the near future and that they can also be paid with.

How to pay with Bitcoin?

Bitcoin payment transfer method. being done. Payment transactions are made through transfers between Bitcoin wallets.. There are things needed when sending bitcoin. Each company has its own method of accepting payment.. Therefore it is important to pay attention to these steps. The number of services and stores that accept payments with Bitcoin is increasing day by day around the world.. You can pay them with Bitcoin and evaluate your experience to make such businesses more recognizable.


Thomas Lee: BTC has proven its reliability

Thomas Lee, who is known for saying that every statement he made about cryptocurrencies is of special importance and that he will constantly show the power of Bitcoin in his statements, In a press release, he announced that Bitcoin is a proven cryptocurrency and is more reliable than other cryptocurrencies.

Indirectly mentioning that these declines should not scare investors Thomas Lee, He stated that the level of crypto money prices can constantly change and this is already an expectation.

Bitcoin price will rise!

Indicating that he expects the price of Bitcoin to rise between $ 22,000 and $ 25,000 by the end of the year, Lee said today He did not give detailed information about whether these levels are buying opportunities. Making statements about how much he expects in the future rather than commenting on crypto currency prices, Lee, by giving examples from Netflix and Amazon companies, explained that the decline of Yahoo continued for a period of 7 years and that people could forget certain things in a very short time. It took quite a lot.


China Renaissance: Blockchain Is More Important Than Bitcoin

Chinese investment bank manager stated that the underlying technology of Bitcoin is more important than Bitcoin itself.

China Renaissance CEO In an interview with CNBC, Fan Bao also stated that the bitcoin industry is on the rise, but the underlying blockchain technology is more interesting and is the most disruptive technology in the financial services industry.

“ I have a strong belief in Blockchain technology as it has a wider application in its industry.”

His comments come after Bitcoin hit a record high of $6,100 last week. This record also fell to around $5,500 from time to time.. They are also among a variety of technology-related finance applications, especially around centralized markets.

CoinDesk, according to the report, Russia’s National Security Deposit (NSD) strong> issues live bonds for the first time using smart contracts and the ‘Hyperledger Fabric‘ blockchain. In addition, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is in an effort to establish a private sector on behalf of small firms that aim to develop blockchain technology to explore new uses.

During the interview, Bao also spoke in China. pointed out that his government is taking a liberal approach towards free market policy.

According to a very recent announcement, the Chinese Central Government has implemented blockchain to establish a credibility system in the country’s supply chain sector. He stated that it is necessary and thus will support the development of this technology.

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Catalonia Will Create Its Own Cryptocurrency After Independence

The Struggle for Independence

Spain’s small but economically vital Catalonia region has declared its independence, but Madrid has decided to keep the region within Spain. it’s like he’s sworn in. While various governments and opinion leaders around the world have different opinions on this issue, the government that declared its independence wants to use a blockchain-based residence system and a national cryptocurrency.

According to a local newspaper in Spain, the manager of the Catalan digital bureau (SmartCatalonia) He has already visited Estonia several times to review digital residency plans. While Estonia was planning its own national cryptocurrency, it was blocked by the President of the European Central Bank.

National Cryptocurrency

The blockchain-based residence system is the first of its kind in Europe There may be bigger news as well. The independent Catalan government may choose to use a national cryptocurrency instead of a central bank. While Russia and Kazakhstan are working for the national cryptocurrency, it probably won’t come as a big surprise if a similar decision comes from Catalonia.

In addition, according to the source, the Catalonian government is concerned about these plans, Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin’ has already taken advice from:

“The young Canadian of Russian descent suggested they create an ICO for their digital residency platform and go public with a suitable bid to fund the residency platform. A cryptocurrency nested within an ICO…can be financed inside the e-Session ecosystem. This means establishing a completely independent economic community away from the oversight of the Central bank.”

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How Do Bitcoin Forks Affect Bitcoin Price?

Before Bitcoin Gold, which appeared 3 days ago, there were some interesting movements in the market.

6 days before the Bitcoin Gold fork, Bitcoin broke the all-time record, crossing the $ 6,000 limit and even reaching the $ 6,200 level.

If you have witnessed Bitcoin forks that took place before this, you are well aware of what happens when there is a separation from the Bitcoin network.. Normally, crypto investors, especially Bitcoin investors, complain about it.. On platforms such as Reddit, Medium, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, people share their opinions on this subject, and to be honest, there can be some very insulting comments.

However, when there is a separation from the Bitcoin network, something else happens.. At the moment of separation from the network, you receive an amount of tokens in the newly formed network equal to the token you have in the Bitcoin network.. This is because the newly created network is an exact copy of the original Bitcoin network until the fork takes place.

If the wallet you are using supports the software of the newly created blockchain with the fork, you have two digital currencies at the same time: Bitcoin and the Newborn.. In this article, we will go over Bitcoin Cash (BCH) instead of saying “Newborn”. When the Bitcoin Cash network broke away from the original network, Bitcoin holders received Bitcoin Cash equivalent to their holdings.. This is because, as mentioned above, the Bitcoin Cash blockchain is exactly the same as the Bitcoin blockchain until the fork occurs.. If you had 10 Bitcoins before the breakup, you have both 10 BTC and 10 BCH after the breakup.

The tail of the calf is breaking off here too. Individuals or organizations that own too many, too many Bitcoins are using the fork as an opportunity to profit as much as possible from the Bitcoin network and the nascent network.

Preparing to Fork


Let’s have a big investor named Hakan. Let Hakan have 35,000 Bitcoins, each at $5,000. Hakan’s Bitcoins are worth $175,000,000. Like everyone who has a lot of money in the market, Hakan follows the news in the market and checks whether there is a development that may affect his assets.. Hakan learns one day that there will be a hard fork in Bitcoin and a new token will be created as a result of this fork.. We call this token Bitcoin Cash.

Luckily, Hakan is learning again that the Bitcoin wallet he uses will support the new Bitcoin Cash.. In other words, he will get as much Bitcoin Cash as the Bitcoin he has.. What does it mean? Hakan had 35,000 Bitcoins and will now have both 35,000 Bitcoin and 35,000 Bitcoin Cash. If Hakan goes out and buys millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin, he’ll have more Bitcoins than he had before.

Now we said $175 million or so.. So as you can see, our Hakan is a very rich person.. Rich enough to influence the market alone. Hakan says, “Let me buy more Bitcoin, when I buy that big amount of Bitcoin, the price will increase, and when my Bitcoin count increases, I will get more Bitcoin Cash”. Bravo Hakan.

Having this thought in mind, Hakan goes and buys another 15,000 Bitcoins, increasing the total number of Bitcoins to 50,000.. It does this one day before the full fork will happen.. If Hakan had not done this, he would have had 35,000 Bitcoin Cash when the fork took place, but that’s not the case anymore.. Because now Hakan will have 50,000 Bitcoin Cash.

What Happens When It Forks?

When there is a fork in the Bitcoin network, some of the value of the original Bitcoin network can be transferred to the nascent blockchain.. When Bitcoin Cash was created, the price of Bitcoin fell from $2,800 to $2,700.

As a result of the fork, Bitcoin Cash was created and was on sale at $555 at the time.

What Happened to Our Hakan?

When the price of Bitcoin fell from $2,800 to $2,700, Hakan’s Bitcoins totaled $140 million (we got the price from $2,800) to 135,000,000 fell to $. Our Hakan lost $5 million so. But Hakan foresaw it.. Hakan was smart. Since the fork took place, Hakan now had 50,000 Bitcoin Cash at $555 each.. Since Bizim Hakan has no intention of taking Bitcoin Cash to the grave, the exchanges decide to sell their Bitcoin Cash as soon as they become available for BCH.

Hakan sells 50,000 Bitcoin Cash and gets $27,750,000. Very clean, rosy made a profit of $28 million Hakan. If we subtract the $5 million loss caused by the fall in Bitcoin’s price, Hakan earned a total profit of $23 million.

We’re only going through Hakan, but let’s also mention that. There are other investors like Hakan in the market.. These other investors may be using a strategy similar to Hakan’s.. Buy a lot of Bitcoin, wait for the new blockchain to be formed, buy the newly created token in equal amount to your Bitcoin, sell as soon as you buy, thus reducing the amount of Bitcoin because it gained more value than necessary.

Here Hakan and similar people are called whales. These individuals have so many assets in the Bitcoin market that they alone shake the market thanks to the “buy” and “sell” orders they give.. Since all it takes to increase or decrease the price of Bitcoin is a few investors like Hakan, Bitcoin’s price may not reflect the real value of Bitcoin during the fork period.

Like Hakan. Investors know that the reason for the increase in the price of Bitcoin during the fork period is due to whales, so they reduce the amount of Bitcoin they have as soon as the hard fork is experienced.. Because they know that before the fork occurred, the whales bought Bitcoin and increased the price, the price of Bitcoin increased more than necessary and will decrease after the fork.

People like Hakan use this tactic a lot.. After the fork, they sell the amount of Bitcoin they want as much as they want.. Sometimes this amount can even see zero.. While the price of Bitcoin is in the decline phase, the price of Bitcoin can drop even when such large amounts of Bitcoin are disposed of.

As you can guess without even saying it, these people re-enter the market and buy Bitcoin when the price of Bitcoin drops.. In other words, they realize the simplest thing of investing: sell when high, buy low.

Our Hakan increased the amount of Bitcoin in his hand, bought an equal number of Bitcoin Cash, sold Bitcoin Cash after the fork took place, because the price of Bitcoin was too high. He also sold Bitcoin, waited for the price to drop, he bought Bitcoin again when the prices fell, with the purchase of large amounts of Bitcoin, the price of Bitcoin started to stabilize, then it started to increase and our Hakan made a profit again…

All written If you want the shortest summary of these things: Fork times are confusing, you have to be careful…

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Apple’s Market Cap Through Bitcoin’s Perspective: Ronnie Moas

Bitcoin Will Outshine a Tech Giant

founder and manager of Standpoint Research and also a highly successful Bitcoin predictor, Ronnie Moas, believes that Bitcoin has surpassed even tech giant Apple in five years. He said it could reach strong>$800 billion, so it should be taken seriously.

Moas, in his July prediction, claims that Bitcoin could reach $5,000 “within months”. He also thinks that Bitcoin will reach $7,500 by the end of the year.. Moreover, he predicts that it will reach $20,000 per unit in three years, a little further ahead.

However, with the speed of movement of digital money, Moas stated that the total market value of Bitcoin could surpass Apple in five years, drawing attention to technology giant Apple.

This Situation Should Be Taken Seriously

The discrediting of institutionalized money carriers, Bitcoin, and even worse, the blockchain technology of digital money There have been many calls to keep it separate.. But Moas is seeking serious consideration.

Moas said: “People should take this seriously because today Bitcoin has caught up with Goldman Sachs.” He added: “In five years, it will overtake Apple, which has a market cap of $800 billion (or even more).” According to Bitcoin’s market cap of around $95.9 billion. Meanwhile, Thomson Reuters data showed Goldman Sachs is valued at $93.67 billion and Apple has a market cap of $806.65 billion..

Hidden Files

Bitcoin is rising steadily, while attracting growing hatred from those with disparate investments in the current global currency exchange.

Previously, JPMorgan Chase CEO On the subject of Jamie Dimon, “if you’re stupid enough to buy (Bitcoin), you’ll pay for it one day.” while BlackRock CEO Larry Fink called cryptocurrencies “a way of money laundering.” He said it would collapse like strong>Enron.

Moas has said that three of Bitcoin’s leading critics have ‘loaded a ‘to public US banks‘ that are now threatened by cryptocurrencies.

“I don’t expect these people to come out and offer to buy Bitcoin.. Because it affects their businesses badly.” He said.

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The big day for Cosmos (ATOM) is approaching!

Cosmos (ATOM) is counting the days for its Stargate update. Cosmos is developing communication (IBC) protocols for its own blockchain.

The big day is approaching for Cosmos (ATOM)!

Bitcoin 50 It has exceeded a thousand dollars and there are serious movements in altcoins.. One group in particular is working hard to solve the scaling and speed issues of cryptocurrencies.. Cryptocurrencies that solve the scaling problem get their money’s worth.. We can give Cardano (ADA) as an example.. Working for the Shelley update throughout 2020, Cardano began to reap the fruits of these efforts in 2021, and the ADA/USD parity is running towards $1.

Other noteworthy update works; What happens in the Ethereum, Cosmos, Polkadot and Tron ecosystems. The scaled and fast blockchain network is now essential for Ethereum. Gas prices of the overly concentrated Ethereum blockchain skyrocket. The operating cost of transfer transactions on the Ethereum blockchain fluctuates between $ 15-30. The high operating fee causes Ethereum to lose its competitiveness.

As Ethereum loses its competitiveness, the day is dawning for other blockchains. Cardano, Cosmos and Polkadot seem ready to snatch the capital fleeing Ethereum.

Please See: Ethereum news, agenda and breaking news

Cosmos has renamed Stargate counting the days for his update. Cosmos develops communication (IBC) protocols for its blockchain. Thanks to this protocol, Cosmos will be able to securely and quickly flow data and funds between projects traded on its own blockchain.

The main projects traded on the Cosmos blockchain are; KAVA, Terra and FOAM. With Stargate, Cosmos can host more projects.

We see the change in Cosmos prices in the chart below.

At the time of writing, Ethereum has an undisputed leadership in the DeFi industry.. However, cryptocurrency markets are a very dynamic market.. The market will not forgive the projects that lose their competitive power in technology.. Another candidate for Ethereum’s position in the DeFi industry is emerging: Cosmos (ATOM)


Polkadot Cosmos Ethereum 2.0 – Which one will be the winner?

Cross-chain networks will play a decisive role in the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) and decentralized applications. The most viable competitor of Polkadot in the cross-chain space is Cosmos.

Wanchain is called the first blockchain interoperability solution project, but is built on the Ethereum network.. There’s also Chainlink. The purpose of the LINK network is to transport off-chain data onto the blockchain.

Polkadot is a blockchain founded by Ethereum CTO Gavin Wood. Ethereum 2.0 functionality is now integrated here. Polkadot uses “parachains”. Nested blockchains, also known as “shards”. These will also apply to Ethereum with Ethereum 2.0. Both Ethereum and Polkadot send asynchronous messages between shards. The only difference is that in Ethereum, parts have “same state transition function -STF”, whereas in Polkadot, each part has a unique STF.

Both technologies have a main chain. Bacon Chain in Ethereum 2.0 and Relay Chain in Polkadot. Shards in Ethereum 2.0 will be able to access each other’s state through their cross-links and proof-of-state. In the shared interconnection, Polkadot uses the Cross-Chain Message Transfer mechanism, while the parts open connections and share information with each other.. The security protocols of Ethereum 2.0 and Polkadot are the same, parts of each network are secured by the main chain.

Related – Expert opinion: Here is one of the few coins that will survive in the long run

Image: Polkadot

Unlike Ethereum 2.0 and Polkadot, which are currently a limited number of shards, Cosmos is independent main blockchains and these uses independent blockchains connected to the main blockchain. Some kind of center and regions model. Taking this into account, we can say that every independent blockchain has its own consensus of security provided by independent blockchain validators.. Blockchains in the Cosmos network are connected with the IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) protocol, and instead of connecting each blockchain to each other, each is connected to the center.

Image: Cosmos Network

Related – Are Bitcoin and blockchain the same thing? What is the difference between them?

When choosing a blockchain interoperability network, transaction speed is also important. The current version of Ethereum provides 15 transactions per second (TPS). Its founder, Vitalik Buterin, says that with the transition to Ethereum 2.0, this will increase to 100,000 TPS.

Cosmos can provide up to 10,000 TPS.

Polkadot transaction speed was announced by its founder as 1,000,000 TPS .

Among these three, Polkadot is way ahead in terms of speed. However, this speed needs further verification.



The feds are after these 3 Bitcoin hackers!

US administration disclosed the names of 3 Bitcoin and cryptocurrency hackers in their 30s. You won’t believe what these Bitcoin hackers did.

Feders are after these 3 Bitcoin hackers!

United Nations (UN) and USA, Focused on North Korea-based cyber attacks. US authorities disclosed the names of 3 hackers they claim to be associated with North Korean intelligence. These names are; Jon Chang Hyok (31), Kim Il (27) and Park Jin Hyok (37). they have been. It is claimed that these hackers are related to the North Korean intelligence agency Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB).

The Los Angeles district court has launched an investigation against 3 hackers.. Hackers develop spyware that infiltrates computers and mobile phones, emptying their victims’ cryptocurrency wallets.

According to court reports, the North Korean intelligence agency funds hacker groups called Lazarus.. Groups such as Lazarus and APT38 are organizing their global cyberattacks.

Please See: Bitcoin news, agenda and breaking news

Hackers’ attack on ATMs in some countries It is alleged that they even took control of. The countries where the above hackers have cyber-attacked; Mexico, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Taiwan and some African countries.

It was claimed that Lazarus and the triple crypto hacker framework manipulated the banks’ EFT systems by preparing fake SWIFT messages, and they did some of the highlighting in this way.


Your information may have been stolen if you are using this Bitcoin wallet!

Data of the famous Bitcoin and cryptocurrency wallet brand was hacked in early 2020 and the company’s customer The database was allegedly hijacked by the hacker group.. Even more than a claim, the hacker group has published the personal information of thousands of people.. Upon this incident, the customers of the crypto wallet in question threatened to sue the wallet provider company.

In fact, Alon Gal from the cyber security company Hudson Rack announced that one of the hackers involved in the hacking scandal shared the information of 272,000 wallet users.. Information, including email, address and phone numbers, allegedly belonging to 272,000 people, leaked to the Internet.. In addition, more than 1 million user email information is among the leaked data.. Below we see the email shared by Alon Gal.

According to Alon Gal’s claim, Ledger wallet users whose information was stolen have a large amount of crypto money and Bitcoin in their balances.. Hackers are not likely to access crypto assets in wallets for now.. However, it is prudent to be cautious.. Possibly malicious people who have information will try to cause victimization in different ways.. One of the methods they can use is phishing method.

Please See: Bitcoin agenda, news and last minute developments

The victim’s Hackers who have email, physical address and phone information will use fake web pages and emails they create on behalf of the user.. With these methods, they will try to steal Bitcoin and crypto money from their victims.. Therefore, make sure that the websites visited (especially cryptocurrency exchange addresses and banks) have real site domains.. Or watch out for emails from cryptocurrency exchanges and other domains.. Double check for real or spam. In the picture below, we see an email from a brand from our country prepared with the phishing method..

What is the Phishing Method?

In the phishing method, which is also translated into Turkish as a phishing method, hackers and malicious people try to steal their victims’ assets by sending fake emails to their victims..


$8 million profit from cryptocurrency hacker

A hacker, MetaMask used by Nexus CEO Hugh Karp >hacked her wallet.

The hacker managed to deceive Karp using a modified Metamask and hardware wallet.. Karp unwittingly made a transfer to the hacker’s address.

While the hacker attack was announced to the public in a tweet from the official twitter address of Nexus Mutual, it was learned that the lost crypto asset was 370,000 NXM, worth $8 million..

In the Nexus Mutual statement, it was emphasized that the attack took place at around 09:40 am and only CEO Hugh Karp’s personal wallet was affected.. It was also emphasized in the statement that Nexus addresses are not at risk.

….only Hugh’s address in this attack targeted. There is no risk associated with Nexus Mutual or member addresses.



Karp thinks that the attacker will have great difficulty in cashing such a large amount of NXM.

Also Karp has a suggestion to the hacker.

If you bring back all of NXM, we will withdraw all investigations and reward you with a $300,000 reward.

There has been no response yet to Karp’s bounty offer as the investigation continues.. Meanwhile, Nexus teams have called for open assistance to halt funding movements.


Sanction against North Korean Bitcoin hackers

Allegedly supported and financed by the North Korean state US administration prepares for sanctions against groups. The report prepared by the United Nations in the last period was effective in the sanctions planned by the USA against North Korean Bitcoin hackers.

Please See: United Nations: $2 billion cryptocurrency hacked by North Korea

According to the report prepared by the United Nations, North Korean Bitcoin hackers carried out cyber attacks in nearly 20 countries, mostly from Asian countries.. The report claims that North Korean Bitcoin hackers have unfairly confiscated $2 billion worth of Bitcoin.. These groups are; Lazarus Group, Bluenoroff and Andariel. Sigal Mandelker, a top US security bureaucrat, states that North Korean Bitcoin hackers are supporting the secret weaponry programs of the North Korean administration with the funds they have unfairly obtained.. Mandelker calls on the international community to act together in the face of North Korean cyber attacks.

Please See: Hackers demand Bitcoin as ransom from cities

North Korean Bitcoin hackers alleged perpetrator of many cyber attacks. Hackers are cyber-attacking targets especially in South Korea and Japan.. Hackers are not only targeting Bitcoin exchanges.. Many targets from ATMs to SWIFT network can be exposed to cyber attacks. Pyongyang government denies the accusations.. He states that they have nothing to do with the cyber attacks in question.

The US administration will seize the assets of the institutions that support the said North Korean Bitcoin hackers on US soil.. If other countries respond positively to this call of the USA, sanctions will be imposed on other countries as well.



Kanye West: I Turned To Bitcoin Because The Dollar Reminds Me Of Slavery

US rap star Kanye West, in his statement to the mainstream media, stated that the dollar reminded him of slavery and that’s why he chose to use Bitcoin.

WEST: USA Dollar Reminiscent of Slavery Movies

In an interview with TMZ on May 1, Kanye referred to the slavery period in the 400-year history of the USA and described this period as a choice.

During the episode, Talking about Bitcoin, Kanye, referring to the political activist Harriet Tubman behind the $ 20, stated that the dollar reminds him of slavery, and therefore he sympathizes with Bitcoin, the world’s most popular crypto coin.

“As we see the dollar. I feel like I’m in slavery movies. Why do they have to remind us of our captivity? Why isn’t there a picture of Michael Jordan at $20?”

Kanye has publicly expressed his love for Donald Trump on Twitter in the past weeks, after which he lost thousands of followers. After Trump’s statements, TMZ official Van Lathan sent a message to Kanye, saying that I don’t think Kanye could really think of anything. In fact, he had already signaled that he would give a message about it;


Bitcoin Heist in Dubai: Gang of 10 Caught

Dubai police caught gang of ten who stole 7 million Arab Dinars (about $1.9 million) from potential bitcoin buyer. The arrest took place less than 48 hours after the report.. According to the police’s statement, there is a recently integrated artificial intelligence technology behind their rapid capture.

So How Did The Bitcoin Heist Happen?

According to the details given by the police, the gang tried to buy bitcoins. trapped two thinking brothers. The gang leader is from the Gulf Arab Countries, while the other members are of Asian descent. The two brothers were looking for bitcoin sellers when they encountered the gang.

The thieves made the brothers believe they had bitcoins and they arranged a meeting.. Meanwhile, they deceived someone who was considering selling his shop and chose it as the meeting place.

At the time of the meeting, the gang ambushed the brothers.. Some of the members were in the shop, others were outside watching.. The brothers were surrounded by gang members as soon as they entered the shop.

According to Colonel Al Joker of the Dubai Police Crime Investigation Division, the gang was armed.. They had managed to neutralize the brothers before they took the money and escaped.. The robbery took place around Al Muraqabbat on April 25.

A Few Tips for Those Considering to Buy Bitcoin

After this quick arrest, Abdullah Khalifa Al Merri, head of Dubai Police, praised his own men. He also talked about their ability to track criminals even though they don’t have enough evidence.. He also praised the Analytics Center and its use of artificial intelligence.

He also made a recommendation to those who are considering buying bitcoin.. He told them to shop from regular channels to avoid falling into the hands of thieves.. The stolen money was returned to the brothers.

Crypto-related thefts are not limited to the cyber world.. Crypto stock holders are also targeted by thieves because they are deemed valuable.. 18 bitcoins were stolen during the heist in Taiwan in February 2018.

Bitcoinist-Osata Avan Nomayo