
Catalonia is considering launching a post-independence national digital currency

Spain’s small but economically vital region of Catalonia has declared its independence, but the Madrid government is determined to make the region part of Spain. While the USA and European states opposed an independent Catalonia, the Catalonia government put a completely different issue on its agenda. The government is considering using a national digital currency and a Blockchain-based residency system.

According to El Pais, one of Spain’s respected newspapers, the Catalonian director of the digital office called SmartCatalonia, Dani Marco, has a lot to understand about digital residency schemes. Visited Estonia once.

The blockchain-based residency program will stand out as the first of its kind in Europe, but the bigger news from an independent Catalan government is likely to use a national digital currency and not have a central bank.

The news noted that a new digital currency could be financed through an ICO, which will help create a completely independent economic community without a central bank.

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