
Bitcoin’s Father Satoshi Nakamoto and President Erdogan Are On The Same List!

The father of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is a somewhat mysterious character. Thanks to this mysterious character, Satoshi Nakamoto played an important role in increasing the popularity of Bitcoin and having a wide repercussion in the society.. Worth, an American financial magazine launched in 1986, announced the names of the world’s 100 most powerful financial leaders in 2018.. The list included financial leaders, businessmen, legal experts and presidents. Bitcoin’s inventor Satoshi Nakamoto was included in Worth’s list, along with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.. The founder of Bitcoin left behind Mark Zuckerberg, Paul Krugman and Kristalina Georgieva, who are among the giants on the list.

Satoshi Nakamoto is estimated to own more than one million Bitcoins

No one knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is. Male or female? Or is it a person or a group? These questions received many hitherto unproven answers. There are many people who declare themselves as Satoshi Nakamoto or who are stated to be the founders of Bitcoin.. Satoshi is not only an unknown person, but also among the world’s leading riches with the amount of Bitcoin he holds.

It is estimated that Satoshi owns more than one million Bitcoins. This equates to about 5 percent of all Bitcoins that can be mined.. This means that the net worth of BTCs today is about $3.8 billion. Some people claim that a group company is behind the name Satoshi Nakamoto. Not a few believe that the name Satoshi Nakamoto is actually an acronym for SAmsung, TOshiba, NAKAmichi, and MOTOrola.

Satoshi Nakamoto is 44 among the financial giants..

In 2015, UCLA professor Bhagwan Chowdhry requested that the Nobel Prize in Economics be awarded to Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin. However, they stated that such an award could only be given to Satoshi Nakamoto if he revealed his true identity by the committee.. Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin, is the 44 most powerful on Worth’s list. designated as a person. President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, left many important names behind on the list and became the 63rd most powerful financial giant among the world financial giants..

United States President Donald Trump took the first place, Russian President Vladimir Putin took the second place, and Chinese President Xi Jinping took the third place in the list of Worth.. Fourth on the list is Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, one of the important names in the crypto money industry, not the head of any state.. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, has 98 on the list.. ranked in. Kelly Loeffler, CEO of the highly anticipated cryptocurrency platform Bakkt, is 72 on the list.. ranks. The entire list can be accessed via this link.

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