
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Courses to be Taught at Top 5 Universities in Russia

Many universities across Russia have added new courses to their existing financial education programs that include cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Blockchain technologies.. Due to high demand, they will start offering these courses this year.

Cryptocurrency Courses

Top universities in Russia for the first time this year private courses and master’s programs devoted to cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies will begin to offer. The courses will be included in the current programs of the schools in the 2017-2018 academic year.

Moscow State University (MSU), one of the schools where the courses will be given, is a respected and mixed research university.. Sergey Studnikov, a member of the executive board of the MSU economic faculty, runs the Master’s program in Financial Analysis. At the exit of the news, he said about the school’s new cryptocurrency courses:

“We will open master classes for several programs as soon as possible – we invite industry representatives for this.”


In the Higher School of Economics (HSE), one of the leading and largest universities in Russia, the subject will be included as part of the school’s Financial Technologies course.. The course is part of the Master’s program in Financial Technologies and Data Analysis, launched this year in collaboration with the state-owned Russian banking and financial services company Sberbank. will devote two parts of its program to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.. According to Associate Professor Denis Gorulev from the School’s Faculty of Economics and Finance, “We rely on a number of official things to deliver these courses here, but these courses need to be coordinated with the Ministry of Education over a long period of time.”

For Crypto Courses High Demand

The unofficial Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), also known as Phypeech, describes itself as “the top 5 universities highly appreciated by scientists, students and engineers”. The institute will teach the IT component of Blockchain technology.

According to Andrey Raigorodsky, Director of the MIPT School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, this field is in high demand among students and employers alike.. “We have a few private lessons this year.” said. Also:

“This topic is extremely popular.”

In detail, there is strong demand from the school’s industrial partners.. “For example, Sberbank is currently working with us.- they opened a new scientific laboratory, which is being researched on this subject.

National University of Science and Technology (Misis) is one of Russia’s largest steelmaking laboratories. primary technological university. This summer, Misis and government-owned bank Vnesheconombank (VEB) signed an agreement to create a hub for new materials and breakthrough technologies with a focus on Blockchain technology.. In the published article, students will study Blockchain technology at the new training center:

“Especially MSU, HSE, Misis, MIPT and Spbgey students will learn about Bitcoin and other aspects of innovative financial technologies.”

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Bitcoin, which changed the course of the financial sector, breaks a record on a record: $ 6,558

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