
Beware of Bittrex spoofing

As cryptocurrencies become more widespread, the number of fraudsters who want to take advantage of it is increasing day by day.

Last month, a fraudulent issue regarding Poloniex, the world’s most used cryptocurrency exchange with the highest trading volume, came to the fore. The pirates completely copied Poloniex’s website and phishing with a different domain name.

Bittrex, after Poloniex

This time with a similar incident Bittrex came to the agenda. Hackers who copied this website, which is one of the frequently used exchanges such as Poloniex, again misled users and went into phishing.

They used Google ads

The fraudsters using Google ads, “bittrexwe.” com” domain name to appear above the original Bittrex.

It is estimated that hackers may have obtained the information of hundreds of people in this way.

Transactions on exchanges We recommend that users who do this make sure to check the domain from the address line when they enter the site.

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