
Latest Status of Bitcoin in Turkey

While the concept of “electronic money” came into effect in Turkey in 2013, Bitcoin and other alternative cryptocurrencies are still not accepted as electronic money today.. On the other hand, it is trying to improve its activities on the part of various payment institutions in line with the sector’s dynamism, supply and demand. According to the Law on Services and Electronic Money Institutions, even if the concept of “electronic money” enters the law, it requires the institution that will issue digital money to keep the fund, which is the equivalent of this money, in a fixed account, which is an approach contrary to the Bitcoin structure, which is the most current and common example.. For this reason, it was announced on November 25, 2013 that Bitcoin is not accepted as electronic money due to the risks it contains.. Accordingly, in the report submitted by IMF staff at the beginning of 2016, it was necessary to separate the concepts of digital, virtual and crypto money as types of electronic money. can operate in Turkey for the time being by obtaining a license. When we look at the top 7 companies that received licenses in 2015, we see that these are Belbim, Joint Payment, CMT, D Payment, Papara, Türk Elektronik Para and Wirecard, respectively.

Photo 1: BDDK (

In Turkey, experts follow technology closely and offer innovative products and services to their customers in many different fields. It predicts that banks that offer solutions can take steps in this direction.. Banks are also aware that these demands will arise in Turkey, which has a population that uses technology intensively today.

Photo 2: Opinions by country on “Digital currencies like Bitcoin are the future of online spending”

According to an international study in which 15 countries from the USA, Australia and Europe participated, led by ING Bank, Turkey ranks first in the use of mobile banking on a country basis with a rate of 65%.. “Digital currencies like Bitcoin are the future of online spending.” The cases of agreeing to the opinion of the participants were accepted at a rate of 45% in Turkey.. This shows that the belief in digital currencies is high in Turkey.

Turkey, in 2017, continues to serve its citizens with 3 big Bitcoin exchanges.. These; Paribu is known as Koinim and BTCTürk.. These exchanges also have their own exchange rates, which are independent of each other, and enable Turkish citizens to buy and sell Bitcoin from Turkey.. In this way, citizens who own Bitcoin transfer to Bitcoin exchanges in the global market, and carry out and continue crypto money trades with people all over the world. no movement. Mainstream media acquires developments in this field from foreign sources and presents them to Turkish readers.. Although people or academics who work in some fields of economics, make comments and put forward their ideas, try to inform the reader as much as they can, the government does not see any activity on this issue.. There are rumors and news about the market from many parts of the world every day.. However, our country has not made a statement that they are conducting a study on neither Blockchain nor cryptocurrencies.. On the other hand, this recession seems to be against Turkey in the future.. The situation of the market and the demand of users, Turkey’s taking steps to be a pioneer in the spread of the sector and crypto money, Blockchain etc..

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