The depreciation of the Bitcoin price causes a decrease in other cryptocurrencies. Since the market has been in a balanced position for a long time and is much more balanced than in normal times, it is extremely difficult to see decreases and rises or to see their ratios high or low. The fact that the stabilization process in Bitcoin (BTC) price has been going on for about 1.5 months makes it believe that it may cause the beginning of big losses by affecting other competitors.
Bitcoin price dragged others
Bitcoin’ The process of rebalancing in coincidence makes many investors lose hope of offsetting their gains and losses or raising them further. While the reason is that there are very few changes in the balancing process, investors who think of short-term gains have to say goodbye to these thoughts for a long time.
- It is still unknown when the stabilization process in Bitcoin price will end. Only the projections show that the process will be much smoother and that changes in prices will begin to be seen in greater proportions by the end of the next few weeks.