
The system that will change everyone’s life: Blockchain.

An unhackable, indelible database system just like DNA. It has the potential to radically change our entire relationship with money and information.. Will the world return to the barter model? How will Blockchain change our lives?…

TechnologicalCTO of Hitachi Data Systems, known for his technological insights and shown among the most influential names in the world, Hubert Yoshida, as a speaker at the World Cities Expo When he came to Turkey in May, he talked about the technologies that will shape the future.. “Blockchain’s impact on the world will outweigh the internet.. Saying that the Internet is information and Blockchain is a value network,” Yoshida turned attention to the ‘blockchain’ technology with this assertive sentence.. Yoshida added that the real power of Blockchain, which introduces itself as the technology behind the digital currency Bitcoin, is greater than money.


Okay. What is Blockchain? Many people think it’s just a system that allows illegal Bitcoin transfers, obscuring money.. Yes, it was in the beginning, but today it is a hero used for new technologies and seems to radically change capitalism’s perception of value.. In fact, according to some experts, a technology that will allow human civilization to return to barter, enabling us to live on much less money.. To exaggerate a little, he is a revolutionary who will completely eliminate the intermediaries and question the reason for the existence of the banks! On the other hand, for this very reason, he can be an antihero that will cause a serious employment crisis all over the world and take away people’s jobs.. We’re not entirely sure about any of them yet.

Blockchain is named by many experts as the most secure database system today. It is considered so secure because the encrypted shadow of the data, called the ‘hash’, is simultaneously stored on tens of thousands of computers around the world.. Imagine transferring money, obtaining copyright, recording your health or e-government information, or transferring title. The shadow of the relevant transaction or data is stored in a chain on tens of thousands of computers around the world, together with the shadows of similar data of other people in the world.. So it is not possible to lose information. Because in order for a database to be hacked, all servers and tens of thousands of computers in the world must be hacked.. This is technically impossible unless the world is taken over by an evil AI like in the movies.

For clarity, you can think of the blockchain as a DNA chain.. Hundreds of thousands of information about a person such as kidney, skin tone, nose shape, eye color, brain functions, disease predispositions, nail model, hair density can be kept in a single DNA chain.. Imagine if ten million DNA samples from this human were distributed to all the freezers of the world.. Even if someone is harmed, for example mutated or the freezer breaks down, there is always another.

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